
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:43:32
How about a drink tonight?是否可以翻译成How about the drink tonight? 无菌灌装培养基,肉汤灭菌的顺序在做无菌灌装培养基是,用的是营养肉汤,请问各位前辈配制的肉汤是灭完菌后分装好还是分装好在灭菌的比较好呢? 28.Our son doesn't know what...如下28.Our son doesn't know what to ______ at the university; he can't make up his mind about his future.A.take in B.take up C.take over D.take after选择哪个 改病句:we all wanted know why was our teacher angry. Our son doesn't know what to _______ at the universityOur son doesn’t know what to _______ at the university because he is not sure what he will do in the future.A.take up B.take in C.take over D.take after为什么选A不选C? 丰田出口中国的汽车占其出口总量的百分之几?生产量的百分之几? 辨别左右词语是否相同机灵——灵机( ) 权威——威权( ) 吞并——并吞( )球拍——拍球( ) 健康——康健( ) 兄弟——弟兄( ) 人生若只如初见读后感 辨别左右词语是否相同,相同的画 √ 故事——事故()喜欢——欢喜()进行——行进叫喊——喊叫文盲—盲 读人生若只如初见有感安意如 《人生若只如初见》读完的感想最好是一章一章的感受,有具体句子也行 《人生若只如初见》读后感 本人急需《人生若只如初见》的读后感 要引用原文 谢谢哦 润年、平年、大月、小月用英语怎么说? we know what we read can ifluence our thinking. I like reading.What we read ( ) our thinking.A influences B influenced C is influencing D has influenced我选的A对么 what we read influences our thinking为什么不用influence Mr Lin tells us what we read ( )(影响)our thinking请说明原因. 已知a,b均为单位向量,其夹角为 ,有下列四个命题 已知向量a=(x,y),若命题I:x^2+y^2=1;命题II:a为单位向量,则命题I是命题II的( ) A充分非必要条件 B必已知向量a=(x,y),若命题I:x^2+y^2=1;命题II:a为单位向量,则命题I是命题II的( ) A.充分非必要 how about a film tonight?_I haven't been to the cinema for a long time A yes,thanks B why not C no go away D it's pity There __ (use) to be beautiful flowers here.正确应填什么? there used to be an old ciname here,()/()()?反义疑问句 若a与b均为单位向量,下列命题为真命题的是A:a=b B:a*b=1C:若a\\b则a=b D:|a|²=|b|² ______ going to a movie tonight?it's a good idea.A why not B would you like C what about 求理由! 小新一家7月份支出中,通讯费约占总支出的1/6,用于餐饮水果方面的支出约占总支出的1/4,这两项支出约占总支出的[ ] everyone knows _he is a good studenteveryone knows _TOM is a good studentA what B ifC /请问选哪个?理由是 everybody knows that xutong is a good student同义句 The baloons are flying away.翻译成汉语怎么说. 一楼跑到三楼4分钟,如果从一楼跑到6楼要几分钟 李明从一楼走到三楼用去了30秒,当他从三楼到六楼用去( )秒算法。 小明从一楼跑到三楼用了2分钟,那么从一楼到六楼,需要几分钟?