
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 04:54:18
四道计算, 计算4道 今天要能简算要简算.能简算的才简算!485-720除(15乘12)0.63乘9.9+9.9乘0.378.75-2.06-3.94(10分之9+4分之3)乘6分之5-2分之1 自然轿子---黄山 作者着重从哪个方面介绍的黄山这一世界文化遗产 “收到”的英文怎么讲 “收到”用英语怎么讲一般士兵听到长官的命令 都说的那句 我能收到祝福吗?英文怎么讲地道的英语 我能收到祝福么 怎么讲 请将下列歇后语补充完整1 小和尚念经2 冬天不戴帽3 鸡蛋里挑骨头4 上了套的猴子5 孔夫子搬家6 肚子里头撑船 Jane is better at webdesign than Mary,but Mary is more experienced at training的翻译 My friend heavier than Mary.哪里错了 1、Mary is shorter than Lily 2、John is heavier 3、This one is smaller写出问句 I'm (heavier) (than) Mary,and my eyes are (bigger) than (her)错在哪 Jane has _____ (nice) clothes than Mary _____(do). 文艺复兴后来扩展到欧洲的哪些国家和地区? 为什么称东吴东晋宋齐梁陈为六朝 宋齐梁陈 两晋 南北朝 魏 的关系如题,晕死我了 六朝哪个时期最强 指的是(东吴 东晋 宋 齐 梁 陈) √12x+36=x - - 麻烦你了.. Does Mrs.Green have lunch at home?1.Does Mrs.Green have lunch at home?2.What do the chidren do in the evening?3.How to translate come home from work and come home from school?翻译 .Mr Green often flies back home _____ an airplane,and Mrs Green often goes_____ train .A.in; by B.in; in C.by; by D.by,in 改错:She is going to buy the same shoes like yours 改错 1.She is going to buy the same shoes like yours 2.she wears a blouse from the 1990 at the part 为什么魏晋南北朝时期会创造出辉煌的石窟艺术 she like going to the movies with you. she'd like _______________ A going to the market B go to the movies C to go to the bank D to the reD,to the restaurant SHE HAD LIKE GOING TO THE MOVIES WITH US改错 “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”算是古诗词吗? 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐是不是爱国古诗词· 写出两句体现先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐含义的古诗词名句 古代有哪些先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐的人最好有表现出这些人行为的名言 填空:He lived in a house ____ 300years ago.选项A.building B.built ... 魏晋南北朝的时候为什么叫竹林七贤? 在魏晋南北朝五代十国的时候有没有一个叫王翦的人有的话请详细介绍