
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 04:37:39
It must be Tom's .这里的Tom's是名词性物主代词吗? she must look for a right place to park her bike .同意句 按she must look for a right place按she must look for a right place ___ ___ ___. 现在的铅价大概是多少拜托了各位 I need sports shoes.给为一般疑问句 今年铅价如何? 求英语作文 题目是should we observe the Chinese traditional customs It must be him 歌词 题为“Should we Chinese observe Christmas”的英语作文~150字左右~内容要求:1、圣诞节在中国影响越来越大2、有人主张我们中国人应对圣诞节加以限制,因为…3、自己的看法补:1、发扬本民族文化 It must be ____ that gave away the secret.A.he B.him 英语作文:should we have guns in china看看怎写好. 那一定是他 It can be him It must be him是哪个答句,如果是否定句呢 how should chinese animatian improve That fits the puzzle It must be him! what do you think of ___ on a tirp to AustliaA、have B、go C、going D、to go we have to wear sports shoes for g__ class. John,you have to wear sports shoes for gym class. we have to wear sports shoes for gym class.为何不用in gym class? The students have to (wear sports shoes for gym class.) 对括号内句子提问 我的玻璃口杯盖子坏了,塑料和外边金属圈分离,用502粘合后,用了一星期又开了.请问用什么胶水粘合牢固? 火柴的好处?简要的说明一下 I need some drinks for my birthday改成否定句 含硫de火柴头中含有?燃烧产生? 你有多少双鞋?()()()of shoes do you have? I don't n_____ sports shoes.I have three pairs at home. 如何把含在水中的硫酸铅置换成硫化铅.水中含有大量硫酸铅(铅矾).通过分别使用,纯碱,碳酸,醋酸胺均无法置换出硫化铅, 求《旧唐书.张镐传》译文由:及禄山阻兵 开始 英语翻译狄仁杰字怀英,并州太原人也.祖孝绪,贞观中尚书左丞.父知逊,夔州长史.仁杰儿童时,门人有被害者,县吏就诘之,众皆接对,唯仁杰坚坐读书.吏责之,仁杰曰:“黄卷之中,圣贤备在,犹不 一,the meeting___next week is sure to be a great success 二,I have a meeting___A,to take place B,to hold C, to be hold. 上面两道题分别可以选择上面?根据答案 第一题选择AC 第二题选B 为什么都是以动词不定式做定语 There is no s____ between Linda and Lisa because they are good friends the meeting ___next week is sure to be a great successto take place to be taken place to have taken place being take place 英语翻译张善安,兖州方与人.年十七,亡命为盗,转掠淮南.会孟让败,得其散卒八百,袭破庐江郡.依林士弘,不见信,憾之,反袭士弘,焚其郛,去保南康.萧铣取豫章,遣将苏胡儿守之,善安夺其地,据以 英语翻译卢承庆,幽州范阳人.隋武阳太守思道孙也.父赤松,大业末为河东令.与高祖有旧,闻义师至霍邑,弃县迎接,拜行台兵部郎中.武德中,累转率更令,封范阳郡公,寻卒.承庆美风仪,博学有才干,