
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:44:26
用sb/th+would do+if造句!要4个!急用! live是持续性动词吧,怎么修改 鸳鸯是单纯词还是合成词 Everybody is in the swimming pool改为否定句 pool in the end come swim组成句子,并写出汉语意思.……………… live是瞬间动词吗 苦瓜虽苦,但吃多了也就甜了 英语翻译 请您把这是段话翻译成中文. 急求土耳其语翻译一句话:非常感谢---重酬!下周:EVREN METAL SANAYİ ve TİC. A. Ş将来我厂访问,想做一横幅欢迎他们的到来!请各位高手帮忙翻译一下!跪谢!具体这一句需要翻译:热烈欢迎EVRE 东西南北英文 The boy was often seen___the road.A.not go across B.not to cross C.not cross D.not go across While the boys were discussing the fatal___,Ben put in that the road was icy.A.accidentB.incidentC.residentD.dentist 千里?处加叠词 珠宝英语怎么读 珠宝用英文怎么说?珠光宝气 又怎么翻译? 请问各位朋友,珠宝的英文单词怎么写呀? mean gril 好看吗? 填空:We are going to watch a play in the new t___. 翻译加音标加例句 implication音标,例句 写一篇为同学喝彩的作文 谁知道海纳百川下面的字都是什么?额 ...如题,海纳百川四个大字下面的小子都是什么?,前面的应该是海纳百川,有容乃大,壁立千仞,无欲则刚,下来后面的是什么? 海纳百川后面跟什么四字成语? and china is of no exception .is of no exception 怎么用法 I am all agog of exception是什么意思expectation,不是exception I am quite good at cars ,computers and of digital products.这句话里那个of加着对不对?我想表达各...I am quite good at cars ,computers and of digital products.这句话里那个of加着对不对?我想表达各类数码产品. Actually I am of no exception as well.中文怎么翻译 东西南北的英文各是什么 英语发音:朴槿惠的英文名读音 Park Geun-hye!写出音标 我为谁喝彩,作文,字400多 “这是”用英文翻译是什么 LUCKY&GIRL