
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 14:22:00
New York is one of the biggest cities in the world怎么改成问句? My grandpa is always c____ about weather You can no longer delay payment if you wish to keep your account open.如果你想要再赊帐的话就不能再延期付款了.这里的keep one"s account open 是赊帐的意思还是继续有生意往来的意思? 下面汉字都是形声字,根据形旁和声旁组合方式,不同地一组是( )A.材 松 据 控 B.顶 欣 期 郊C.闺 庭 厦 阔 C.闻 匙 翅 阁 which和what的区别 娅沫 起一个发音相似的英文名字 楠用英语发音或者起一个英文名字特别一点 He's always complaining与 He always complaining 那句对分析下为什么要加动词?He always complain 英语翻译时尚点的 Jean is always complaining about something.为什么不用一般现在时?Jean is always complaining about something.这句话中的complain为什么不用一般现在时? 我最喜欢动作片,_____ ______movie ___you like best?我最喜欢动作片 对动作片提问 _____ ______ movies __ you like best 英语怎么判断which和what的用法呢 The old man is poor and always wears an old coat with many h___ He’s ___ as a “bellyacher” —— he’s always complaining about something.A.who is known B.whom is known?C.what is known D.which is known 写形声...形旁...声旁...硝 擎 窃 撑 囫 飕 螃 腼 皎 蔓 抡 崎 It's about _________ from my home to the Grand Theatre.A.half an hour's work B.half an hour walk C.hakf an hour walks D.half an hour's walk What's the best movie theatre in your country?100百词左右,好的要加分. 谁能给我准确完整的轨道交通信号机的定义和分类? 城市发展和轨道交通系统发展相互之间的关系 随着我们家乡的迅速发展,许多人搬进了新居.________________________of our hometown ,many people ___ 英语口语题,每个问题写10句话就行,1.Say something about your life and study at Nankai University.2.Describe your home town or the place your have visited.6.What is the biggest challenge in your university life?7.Describe one person who in 初中英语口语作文,句子不要太复杂,要求9,10句话.今晚等着答案1,从前有一个国王,他一直不高兴,所以他就抓来了一只鸟,让那只鸟天天唱歌.有一天,那只鸟说它很不高兴,没有自由.于是国王把它 下列形声字,按形旁声旁分类完全正确的一组是().骑 2.闷 3.管 4.豪 5.凳 6.爸 7.雌 8.窍 9.园 10.偏 11.慈 12.展A. 下列形声字按形旁分类完全正确的一组是1骑 2闷 3管 4豪 5爸 6雌 7晨 8窍选择:A1368B2458C3578D1467 yak yak-cathy davey歌词 CF里面爆头时的英文单词?不是headshot 貌似是什么 Ak赛斯一类的..要单词 = = CF里爆头的英文单词是什么就是像“唉克撒斯”一样的顺便双杀,三连杀,一直往下的英文是什么 yak cf中,爆头时说的是个什么词?英文的 请问that’s a real double dandy yak-yak是什么意思?- Hey,what happened?- I don't know,Fred,start acting up like that,every once in a while.- Did you check the tubes?- Yep,they are ok.- How’s your antenna?- Fine,Fred,how’s yours?- Very funn YAK-141的性能怎么样最近很迷YAK设计局,141很可惜,不知道这世上第一款超音速垂直起降机如果能完成的话,可以达到什么水平呢?能不能压制MIG-29K?和AV-8B比应该是绝对优势吧?如果141能在80年代末 cf的连杀英文1--8都要,不要发音,要单词爆头也要