
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 15:09:42
The One Always In My 徕卡小棱镜的常数是多少 关于徕卡专用棱镜常数的问题.请高手进来解决.我使用的是徕卡TC402全站仪,使用非徕卡专用棱镜.在仪器里面棱镜常数设置找不到-30的棱镜常数.是否对控制测量有影响? 将责罚,管束,气量广漠,宽恕,质问,文绉绉,(任选5个词)组成一段话..50字以上 在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1,M,N,P分别是BC,CC1,CD的中点,求证:AA1P平面垂直MND平面 一道高数的题目,有些难, 可以用这个导数定义来做么, 用责罚,气量,质问,广漠,管束,宽恕,文绉绉.造一段话,写人物的心理活动谁在今天晚上答这50分给谁 12厘米和18厘米的区别我男友的只有12厘米,可是听说有的男人可以到18厘米,这两种长度会不会区别很大.效果也不一样呢? 求a为何值时,丨a-1丨/a平方+2a-3=1/a+3成立请给出完整的解题过程,谢谢! 莫斯利安12盒钻石装的和18盒杯装的有什么区别,怎么价钱上有差别 YJ-12和YJ-18有什么区别,是一种反舰导弹吗? 若丨a丨=4,丨b丨=3,且a,b异号,求a-b的值 如果丨a丨=3 ,丨b丨=2 ,且a<b,求丨a+b丨的值 用责罚,广漠,管束,宽恕,文绉绉连词成句连词成句!1 证明丨a+b丨-丨a-b丨≤2丨b丨 设a,b,c,d都是实数,且a^2+b^2=1,c^2+d^2=1,请证明丨ac+bd丨≤1 怎么证明向量问题丨a×b丨≤丨a丨丨b丨如题,人教高中数学必修四104页 探究里的第三条结论. 导游词基本上都由什么组成? 设丨a丨=丨b丨,证明向量a+b与a-b垂直虽说我做出来了,但不太确定, 大别山导游词重点讲解什么最好?可以只讲历史,突出“红色旅游”主线吗? 用责罚、气量、质问、广漠、管束、宽恕、文绉绉中任意四个联词成句 People often say that the Englishman’s home is his castle.They mean that the home is very important and personal to him.Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats,and many people own their homes.This means that they can make them indiv 接着翻 英译汉Hi YukiYou are not late in writing to me,you can write whenever you like and it was lovely to hear from your Mum,her English is very good.I will do my best to come to China and see you both,maybe next year,but when it is cool,not v State officials said they hoped that the $700 billion federal bailout of the financial system approved by the House of Representatives on Friday would help open credit markets that have balked at providing the kind of short-term financing California 英译汉~1 The party went well and they all had a good time.2 Although the plot is weak,the action is really fantastic.3 She's wearing a long,balck,silk dress and black sandals.4 I go jogging every morning befor work and I paly football every Wednes 如何比较16^18和18^16的大小? 比较16^18与18^16大小 已知点A(x,3),B=(5,y-2),且AB=(4,5),则x,y的值 若a>0,b<0,则使|x-a|+|x-b|=a-b成立的x的取值范围是哪位帮个忙啊,谢谢了啊!!!!!!!! 如图 已知三角形abc全等于三角形ade 新郑皇帝故里沿途讲解导游词?现在很是急住写, 在棱长为1的正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,E,F分别为棱AB和CD的中点,试在BB1上找一点M,使得D1M垂直平面EFB1没有打错,就是让你在BB1上找M点