
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:57:10
capital是什么意思啊? 质量为m的AB两球,分别固定在长为L的轻杆的一端和中点,转至最高点,A球速度为v时,轻杆对A球作用力恰好为零,在最高点,A速度为4v时,轻杆OB对B球的作用力为多大 图略 两球AB在光滑水平面上沿同一直线,同一方向运动,当A追上B并发生碰撞后,两球AB的速度可能值是?两球AB在光滑水平面上沿同一直线,同一方向运动,M(A)=1 kg M(B)=2 kg,V(A)=6m/s V(B)=2m/s.当A追上B并发生 ab两小球用轻杆连接,a球只能沿竖直固定杆运动,开始时,ab均静止,B球在水平面上靠着固定杆,由于微小抖动,B开始沿水平面向右运动,不计一切摩擦力,设A在下滑过程中机械能最小时的加速度为a, 英语翻译句子的全文是这样的:Your carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon produced by what you burn 全文出来可能更好理解一点 初中英语句子翻译,有大神吗 初中英语 求大神翻译几段话很多人都认为当今首富是“比尔·盖茨”,但实际上,世界上大多数的财富都掌握在各大家族手上,个人的财富永远无法和一个家族相提并论.罗斯柴尔德,一个保守估 核舟记第一段段次题目第一段哪些次词印证了“奇巧人”一语?第一段主要写了哪些方面的内容?在文中起了什么作用? The boy(in the green sweater)is sweeping the floor.对括号部分提问 Dr.know怎么读 即将考英语四级,想多联练习听力,觉得听英语歌有点兴趣,说几个能提高听力的歌曲,英语语速慢点的. know怎么读啊 以“核舟记”为题,妙在何处? is there a girl sweeping the floor 的答语 she sings songs as if she ___(be )a bird. turn you on,paris hilton, The“Foggy Capital”in the world is__A Paris B LondonC Washington D Tokyo The sales rps like watching TV very much.(对划线部分提问) The sales reps like watching TV very much对the sales reps提问 I like the singers who can write their own o_______ songs. healthy children的英语作文 I hate sweeping the floor能用I hate to sweep the floor吗 Did you help the old woman ( ) her floor?`A.to sweeping B.sweeping C.sweep一道英语习题, when will he go paris?[to]when will he go paris?go的后面要不要加 to 为什么?kl93 翻译She is doing a tour in paris next week 12.(安徽) I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV.Would you please _________?A.turn it up B12.(安徽) I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV.Would you please _________?A.turn it up B.turn il down C.turn it on D.tuna it off "What are you doing,boys "the teachers asked with( )(interest) i could hardly hear the actor 11.The plane took off from Shanghai,11.The plane took off from Shanghai,_____ for Paris,with 218 passengers on board.A) escalated B) abundant C) haunted D) bound 12.The job pays well and the _____ prospects are quite good.A) succession B) promotion C We took the plane () shanghai()(到) 一、 单项选择题(共20小题,每小题1分,( )1._________ great fun it is to go boating in 一、 单项选择题(共20小题,每小题1分,( )1._________ great fun it is to go boating in su