
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:45:41
一个从句帮我分析一下And after a literary critic,one who points out the good and bad sides of writers’ work.这句子中为什么要有个One呢!这是英文原著的改编版里的句子,句子本身没有问题的。 高瞻远属遥不可及是指十二生宵的什么动物 求洛克王国电弧猫蛋 观察图形,将上图的四个区拆开来移到下图各位置,下图中的那个从哪里来呢?请你解释一下其中的奥妙何在? 害()之马 高瞻远() 可歌可() 以身( )国 对于苏州神州行轻松卡F套餐,我有点迷惑,谁能给我全面解释下?(图中画圈的地方)我的疑惑:1.流量到期了就不再是这个套餐里的了,要掏钱再办一个业务?2.随便我用几首彩铃,都在这个套餐 为什么下载不了我需要的文章? 好高()远、高瞻远()、阴谋()计、()()其谈 从句分析A atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945,after they were dropped,people at the time felt that they had let the genie out of the bottle.请问老师这是一个宾语从句吗,felt动词后面 that在从句中的成分是什么?that后 从句请帮忙分析分析谢谢____has been mentioned before ,nearly all materials expand with the increase of temperatureA.That B As C Because D ItThey usually offer the available seats to ____comes firstA,whomever B whom C who D whoever 还请详 从句类型分析1.Each player should figure out how the other players will respond to his current move,how he will respond in turn,and so on.2.The player anticipates where his initial decisions will ultimately lead and uses this information to calc 迭起,兴旺发达,贪得无厌分别是什么意思 滥芋充数的成语故事的主人公大哥大姐们,我很赶 滥芋充数哪里错了 山地车可以折叠吗? 英语翻译是成语滥于充数的英语翻译 求的翻译 有关节操的名人事例如果都是这样复制的就算了.这几个从哪里看得出节操? 为什么总是下载不了文章 有关节操的名人事例, 英语翻译 "用心记住"用英语怎么说 为什么有的文章下载不了? imagine 后面只可以接有名词性质的宾语吗? (1+19/92)+(1+19/92 ×2)+(1+19/92 ×3)+…+(1+19/92 ×14)+(1+19/92 ×15) [(1+19/92)+(1+19/92×15)]×15÷2 现在的年轻人为什么大多好逸恶劳? 为什么每个人都有好逸恶劳的习惯? It is more difficult to _____ money now because the rate of inflations so high.选项:a、lay aboutb、lay acrossc、lay offd、lay aside--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everybody needs rest for his ener 从句.求 分析 句子i don't know the reason__you were absent from the meeting,but i am sure that someone will tell me the reason __you haven't told me .A why;that B that why 现在的大部分孩子们都好逸恶劳 分析句子是什么从句And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no song,flutter and fall there with a sigh