
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 23:46:48
大熊座和天后座以什么方向绕着北极星转要准确 四六折表示( )是( )的54% 九五折表示( )是( )的( )% 打九五折,用百分数表示就是降低了_____%如题 一辆自行车出售九五折,表示多少 巍然屹立的意思是什么 春秋五霸中哪位霸主最先称霸 798000打九五折是多少 打九五折用英语说 大熊座是由七颗亮星组成( ).我晕,我就是问你该填什么啊 常见的沉淀物,和不溶性物质 巍然屹立的屹字是什么意思?(包括词的意思) 鸡和鹅一百米赛跑,鸡比鹅跑的快,为什么鹅比鸡先到终点 鸡鹅赛跑,鸡比鹅跑得快,为什么鹅先到终点? 百分之九十五是九五折.判断 优惠九五折和九五折优惠有没有什么区别 英语改写句子 同义句转换last spring my family visited the small island where my daughter was born(同义句转换)=last spring my family visited the small island ____ _____ my daughter was born 怎么用I改写英语句子和怎么改同义接换的句子?用my futhre来回答?You aren't a tercher用I改写 I'M Bush同义接换 种换部首组词 有一篇完形填空不太会、希望百度的叔叔阿姨、大爷大妈、哥哥姐姐、弟弟妹妹们.可以帮我看看.Mr.Smith looks ()of the window.There is a little boy on the other side of the street.The boy ( )a piece of bread out o 初中英语完形,比较难,求做!1,5,8题即可,希望不要误人子弟! 英语翻译Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making<38>for the homeless of Berlin.Germany’s capital.They first<39>one long hot summer when most Germanr were<40>on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at home,made sand s 为什么说部首一般都 是偏旁,而偏旁不一定是部首 求高手解答:朝字的部首是什么?注意是说它的部首而不是偏旁. 火焰原子吸收分光光度计废液管喷雾式什么原因? 怎么搜完形填空答案 寻找此段完形填空出处和答案After i had been waiting there much more than ten minutes,i felt certain i _ have missed the bus.There was only_thing i could do _that,i _just have to walk home.Of course it was entirely my own fault.Lan_me the 明天中考化学还有好多不会的,求大家帮忙解答!其原子实际质量是什么?原子数是什么?长管进什么短管进什么单质是什么?碱酸盐是什么?复合肥料的盐是什么?化合价怎么求?帮帮我吧T_T 女孩染色体核型分析:核型为46,X,ins(X)(p11.2)有什么问题,对成长和生育有什么问题? 求这篇完形填空的答案,不要从别的地方找的,希望是自己做的,Danny Crook was a famous photographers .He travelled all over the world ,taking pictures for magazines and newspapers,and won many prizes.“I’ll do anything to get a 什么是“六条禁令” 亲 求完形填空 弱电系统的应用都有哪些?