
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:11:22
There will be many trees ______( plant) next month.应该填什么形式? Mr wang spend the weekend in the country as he ____to the office on SundayA.needn't have gone B.must n't C.may n't to go D.didn't have to go there will be much ( ) tomorrow,答案为什么是rain,还有much都修饰是什么呀 根据下列已知条件,能唯一画出△ABC的是(  ) .要解析,A.AB=3,BC=4,AC=8B.∠A=60°,∠B=45°,AB=4C.AB=3,BC=3,∠A=30°D.∠C=90°,AB=6我们老师说B和C都可以,可是网上找这道题时答案只是B,我就感到有 大家帮下忙、 根据下列已知条件,只能画出唯一一个三角形ABC的是A:AB=3,BC=4,CA=8B:AB=4,BC=3,∠A=30°C:∠A=60°,∠B=45°,AB=4D:∠C=90°,AB=6 根据下面条件,能画出唯一的△ABC的是A.AB=3,BC=2,∠C=60° B.AB=3,BC=4,∠A=90° C.∠B=90°,AC=4,BC=5 D.∠A=45°,∠B=45°,∠C=92° 根据句子意思写ABCC式或AABC式的成语,然后按要求做题.1.路途十分遥远( ) 2.形容善于说话,说起话来,使人爱听.( ) 3.形容名声很大.( ) 4.形容旅途劳累的样子.( ) 5.形容举止文雅.态度从容不迫.( ) 根据句子意思死哦ABCC式或AABC式的成语,然后按要求做题1.路途十分遥远( )2.形容名声很大( )3.形容路途劳累的样子( )4.形容举止文雅,态度从容不迫( )5.形容善于说话,说起话来使人爱听. 动物生理学 4期自动去极化的形成机理是什么?4期不是静息期么?怎么又出现自动去极化的说法?细点说说. 动物生理学 i have the dirty room cleaned 为啥不是 i have the dirty room cleaning If it____ rain next week, could you make some p for next week's concertp这里填什么单词 改错选择:Anita liked to watch television,of which she found...Anita liked to watch television,of which she found the science programs especailly fascinating.有两个我不太明确第一种是保持原句,即原句正确第二种改成Anita li If it does not rain next week,_________(我们就去划船) 同意句转换 As soon as he found the secret of the mystery,he declared…… ——the secret of the myst He liked to find out how things worked. 这句话是什么意思. Soon we found that he liked the girl___.A.good and better B.well and better C.well and wellD.better and better 为这幅漫画拟一个合适的标题简述漫画所要表达的意思 I like to have my bed __ clean and tidy.A.look B.looking C.to look D.looked please keep your room --------为什么选clean and tidy而不选cleanly and tidily I'd like Jack to clean the room.(改为否定句) I'd like jack ___ ___clean the room.I'd like Jack to clean the room.(改为否定句)I'd like jack ___ ___clean the room. These two novels are good.You can choose____of them.A.Both B.neither C.either D.one请问以上答案选哪个?为什么?哪为啥不能选A呢,both应该也解释得通。 how many of these books have you read?----【 】of them .every one.A.all B.none请问怎么区分ab 为什么是what kind of movies?用kind不用kinds? what ( ) of movies ( ) your classmates like?A.kinds,does B.kind,does C.kinds,do D.kind,do我这认为是选C,应是 kinds of 后跟复数,可是老师批下来说是选 D.有些搞不明白了, 给漫画拟-个标题,5字以内 给一幅漫画写标题(5个字以内):( 该漫画讽刺了( 该漫画画的是一个人在墙上写字——该墙不准乱涂乱画,违者罚款. suan and tom wash their faces.后面是什么? 补充()内的数:tom is their son.they are tom's( ) Man is the only animal that blushes.Or needs to John and Tom __my friends. __bikes__here A is ,His is B are, Their,are C are,They,is 请选择,答出的问题,需要说明理由,比如,选B , 为什么,是are,是复数吗?哪里看出来是复数?或者,你做题是怎么理解这道题的?