
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 15:21:22
JOHN SPEAKS ENGLISH (用CHINESE改为选择疑问句) 几个英语单词,1.John was not his cheerful self because he was ___ by the police with breaking the law.A.arrested B.accused C.sentenced D.chargedB和D都有控告的意思,为什么选D不能选B呢?2.American women had been __ the right to vote he speaks both english and chinese?变成一般疑问句怎么变呀? 回答几个英语单词和语法问题一、翻译单词1.连线 2.标号 3.指向 4.两两合作 5.问 6.检查 7.触摸 8.紫色的二、1.这些 2.那些 3.怎样 4.什么时候 5.这里 6.哪儿 7.哪一个(些) 8.那9.那里 10.谁三、填 I speak Chinese.I speak English.改为选择疑问句 simon speaks Chinese well.改为一般疑问句 She speaks Chinese改为否定句.一般疑问句和肯定句 关于友谊的名言 关于友谊的名言警句一定要古人说的 英语词汇及语法1.in 2.Do you think it____ _____?a,is rain b,will rain c,will rainy d,will be rain.3.will 是系动词吗? 英语词汇语法怎么样 推荐一些比较好看的美国动画片看哈,希望可以提高英语听力 找几个练听力的美国电影 英语翻译:1.骑车旅行 2.观光旅游 3.钓鱼 4.散步 5.组录像带 常用的几个职业用英语怎么写? 用以下英语单词填空;except;besides;incleding1、there are many fascinating places in Beijing,_____the Summer Palace,The forbidden City,etc.2、We can do nothing wish the accident_______waiting for the police.3、______her busband,her parent 怎样提高记忆力呀,我背课文,记英语单词啥的总要好长时间,我该怎么办呀, 1、I like playing football very much a few years ago,but now I don't want to play it anymore.I ___ ___ ___ playing football.2、我父亲是十年前戒烟的.My father ____ _____ ten years ago.3、玛丽既喜欢运动,也喜欢音乐.Mary likes mu 1.比较级里有这样的一个格式:比较级+than+any other+名词单数但是.我也看到过比较级+than+any +名词单数也就是中间没有other的请问.有无other,有什么区别呢?2.There was not enough time ,they ___ to walk faster 怎么样练 听力 我现在在美国我在美国听美国人说话都听不懂 或者说听不清楚1.他们语速比较快2.他们发音和我所学的发音不同我想知道怎样能快速提高听力的水平听说VOA 和BBC不错...谁能给 怎样可以流畅的听到美国的新闻联播?是锻炼英语听力的 如果有其他更好的不妨多介绍点 分绝不会少的 帮忙辨别一下英语单词语法a few与 few a little little四个单词的用法在句子中怎样辨别? 怎么背英语单词和句子又快又牢固?我是初一的,我背单词和句子总是记不住 Tom在向他爸爸介绍自己的朋友Tim,用英语怎么介绍?英语小短文、、要有翻译、、在晚上8点之前回答 问别人在那哪工作,用那个英语句子? 询问英语句子 It is difficult for young people to find a place to relax.you can get almost everything you want here and it is quite cheap.谁来帮我明天就要交了 求用以下英语单词造好背的句子1.Praise2.Pray3.Precious4.Precise5.Predict6.Preference7.Pregnant8.Prejudice9.Premier10.Prescription11.Resident12.Pretend13.Previous14.Pride15.Primary16.Primitive17.Print18.Prison19.Private20.Privilege 问几道英语冠词的题1.the streets are covered with --sonw2.--man has just taken his first step into --space.3.ask --nurse to put the baby to bed4.you may ask--old man listening to -- radio under--tree for--advice about it 5.they work in--same 一题英语冠词题 In Yangzhou the Slender West Lake is____most popular scenic spot while Geyuan Garden comes____second两个空填什么?是不是a/a? MARY TIM TV怎么样 what I need is __a bookthat contain __ABCof oil paintingA a 不填 B the 不填 C the a D a the 请教一道英语选择冠词题When Jenny left( )college,she got a jobas ( )journalist.A /;a B.the;/ C.a;the D.the;the