
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:58:27
一道科学题:遇到巨大声响时,为什么要张大嘴,紧捂双耳急. 张蔓菱的段子.房东.不被消化掉的人中为什么要写许德珩与严济慈的对话?能看出邓稼先是个怎样的科学家(3点)? job security,portfolio worker 商务英语词汇哦. she has clean facial features. restrain和restrict的用法和意思有什么区别? restrain和restrict的用法一样吗?如题 one for or or for one怎么翻译? 跪求. 一道练习题,关于restrain & restrict 的用法区别The French police are leagally entitled to ____ anyone's movements as the please.请问空格处该填上哪个单词.并希望能附上说明, 翻译:要么你完成这项工作,要么我找别人来做.(either...or...) 你可以写信或者打电话给他》翻译 使用either … or 英语翻译Military officials insisted the weapons either had to be new or never issued to a previous soldier. 在单位里,没有当官欲望的人,却能当官,这是为什么啊? restrain和restrict和confine有什么区别 constrain表限制时,在英语中与restrict有什么区别? special features的意思是什么? 1.globalization will always have supporters whoare blind on the destruction it can cause.2.children,if grow up in a multicultural society,are more likely to embrace different cultures and would be not denying the almost every country has ln what ways will globalisation cause cutural diversity to disappear?用英语回答! Whether mixed-marriages will cause changes to the couple involved什么意思 有谁知道specaial features 的意思? 1.三条边对应相等的两个三角形全等 2.在同一平面内,垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行3.一条直线截两条平行直线所得的内错角相等 (只需要图和求证) 本拉登组织里是不是有个女人?被称为 什么夫人?他好像发现了一种很厉害的细菌~破坏性很大,好像他的身价比拉登还高 subject to your reply reaching us on In reply,we offer firm,subject to your reply reaching us on or before February 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts,handpicked,shelled and ungraded at RMB2000 net per metric ton CNF Copenhagen and any other Europe Bob's father would like to buy a____computer for Bob.(really) what is one thing that is uniquely canadian最好提出 中英文的答案 我要completely sentence把你最好的想法写进去 尽快 However,one day he refused a businessman,because he wanted to go to a very dangerous place.这句话有没有语法错误. CAD上面,我想局部修剪,怎么弄?比如一个圆与两直线相切,我要切点下面的弧多余的部分怎么删除?我的是2013的,跟2012 一样 assert maint ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr))是什么意思 篮球比赛好开头好结尾要借景抒情,只要开头结尾!;什么意思? burn的用法Put more wood on a fire to make it burn up burn up 这里作补语为何要用原形?burn up 的用法? 请问burn的用法到底是my leg is burning,还是my leg is being burned?主动和被动分别在什么情况下使用?