
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:25:53
-- Excuse me,I think there is a mistake in our bill.We didn't have dinner here last night.-- I am sorry,sir.Here's ______ bill from ________ hotel restaurant.It is got your signature on it.A.a; a B the; a C the; the D a; the 英语翻译知道的人请速回答,我在3月15日即将上交.希望不要要用金山快译翻译,那不太准确! have a cat 英语翻译请把以下内容翻译成英文 我最喜欢的餐厅是麦当劳,我2个星期去一次,我走路去的,麦当劳在*** 价钱很便宜 大概20元左右 服务的态度也很好 环境很卫生 吃的物品有:汉堡包,饮品,鸡腿 school headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers.so are the police,So are the police,for some people even take money bank computer accounts and pout it into their own ones. The teachers and parents are worried about children's heavy s_ Tom,my best friend,____(take)a long vacation this summer .可以填is taking 和 will take 、 Tom,our monitor,_____(take)a long vacation this summer.He thought about ____(go) to Bejing.buy现在分词 my friends with i 后的谓语动词 是 is 还是 arei with my mother 后的谓语动词用 是 is 还是 are 还是 am what's an Australian's favourite drink?趣味猜谜 英语谜语What is an Australian favourite drink救命啊!大家来帮忙啊!快开学了,叫我怎样交啊?大家教教我吧 Many of the new agricultural jobs these days deal with the new types of technology thatMany of the new agricultural jobs these days deal with the new types of technology that are needed to produce the crops that America needs.翻译 what is Australian s favourite drink These problems are really hard _______ .为什么用 to deal with不用 to do with so whats the deal with you and all these actors?什么意思? After school,he( )away his books and went home.(put)用括号中所给的单词的适当形式填空 大力发展 英语怎么说?大力发展文化事业 和what does he look like 句意相同的还有那些啊?^0^ _____I made a speech in front so many people,I felt quite nervousA the first time B for the first timeC at that time D at the first time到底选啥呀,you guys 给个准话,我选的是A The boy failed the exam again,and ____ cost his parents many sleepless nights为什么用that,不用which i felt really (comfort) with so many foreigners.空格填什么 我爸爸的朋友 翻译 两种 类似于my father‘sfriend 或者the friend of…… 辨析realize,recognize,know A.realize B.recognize C.tell D.understandI 30 the same public school where the rich people sent their kids.That was because my 31 lived on one side of the street.Had I lived on the other side of the street,1 would have gone to a 32 school,with ki recognize与realize的区别 耶律楚材简介 简介耶律楚材 i have nothing for him today.A是say B是said C是to say为什么 NOTICE REALIZE RECOGNIZE 的区别 关于亚里士多德的三段论有这个例子..帮忙判断下正误..说下理由人都是二足动物(大前提)柏拉图是人(小前提)所以,柏拉图是二足动物(结论) 亚里士多德的三段论究竟指的是什么?意义以及例子(易懂的) 印度种姓制度什么时候开始的