
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:05:31
什么意思可以翻译一下吗谢谢I find myself so tiny in the study sea.as i learn more i find the more i 蜘蛛住的地方叫啥? 林黛玉居住的地方叫什么?拜托了各位 谢谢 用适当形式填空 I felt excited when I heard people ______(talk) nearby. 什么是塑钢? 魔塑钢是什么是什么?或者是釉? 塑钢型材是什么? 英语翻译The idea that they do—the description of honesty and good faith as “bourgeois morality,” as though virtues ceased to be virtues when practiced by the middle classes,or the dismissal of political democracy with a shrug of the shoulde 寒食作者是"韩翃"还是”韩翎” invalid pointer operation这是什么意思, invalid pointer operation怎么解决开机就弹出这个对话框,点击确定就没事了. error 13:invalid or unsupported executable format5[ 标签:error,invalid,format ] error 13:Invalid or unsupported executable format [ 标签:error,invalid,format ] 笔记本全新,台式机用GHOST版本装系统,ghost复制完重启提示一 Invalid floating point operation是什么意思?我是在用《常用进销存》这个软件,点库存汇总表的时候出现这个提示的, Not for years had she felt more content. What are the differences between higher education and middle school education? What do you know about American higher education?Comment on this topicThanks what's=what is是一句话吗? 两个物理疑问【初三】滑雪者从雪山顶峰向下运动过程中,重力势能减少.动能增大,机械能_____ 我的分析:势能转动能【加速运动】,机械能不变.若滑学者与滑雪板总重720N,当站立在雪地 我全身湿了(改为比喻句) awsome what are you up too?翻译急 Whether it is time to leave?怎么翻译 This document is valid through December 2007.2007年12月终止还是2007年12月开始起效? When my friends are sad,I____ ____ ____to help them.当我的朋友不高兴时,我会尽力去帮助他们(根据中文填空) .she seems very brave ,but it isall "After reading the story about Jim Ming,I was very___." "___she's really brave." A.relaxed,So wasB.impressing,So did I C.impressed,So was I D.relaxing,So I did 选什么?为什么? 内阻不计的交流发电机产生电动势e=10sin50πtv,接有负载电阻R=10Ω,现在把发电机的转速增加一倍,则 ( ) A.负载两端电压有效值将变为28.2V B.交流电的频率将变为100Hz C.负载消耗的功率将变为20W 求歌名,歌词中有everyone miss something ,...time change everything,...i leave you女声 舒缓省略处只有几个单词不明 什么叫对夹升降式止回阀 升降式垂直瓣止回阀与升降式水平瓣止回阀的构造,最好能有图! 仙人掌里面有水吗 blow away(词组) blow的相关短语外甥贾君鹏要呢