
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 09:59:10
a.p.g.e.r组成什么单词 Yes,Anderw's birthday is in March 提问.Let's write 8页长课文翻译? 英语:He seems to have live here for three years.这句话的意思是意思? Mr Li is going to drive them to the airport.(同义句)Mr Li is going to ___ them to the airport _____ car 我不喜欢这样的生活 英语怎么说?I don't like this life my birthday is (March fourth)就划线部分提问.五分钟 修改一处错误:Will you free tomorrow afternoon? Like I don't even know here I don't like to live ___here.中间要不要加介词? Don't ignore me ,I like here too .什么意思 求推荐有助于认识人情世故,腹黑学、成功学、老狐狸之类的书小时候也看过一些,觉得没多大意思前几天看了网络小说《官商》,觉得前面一部分写得还像一回事,主角确实遇人待事也确实有点 -Will you be free at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning? -I'm afraid not.I___a class reunion then.A.was attendingB.am attendingC.will have attendedD.will be attending答案是D 告诉我为什么B不对 我要证明我会幸福的英文怎么写 如何提高数学课堂效率?我上课总是分心,求可以上课不分心的好方法我现在七年级了,再不努力就跟不上了,大家有什么好办法么 分析我国在未来发展过程中有可能爆发的战争及其原因和结果军事理论作业.400 字以上. What did your uncle do with his old car?(改写同义句)___ did your uncle ___ ___ his old car? 我数学课老是分心分心,想一些不重要的,有的没的东西,中午吃什么啊什么的,SO,我数学老差的,怎么专心一点呢?而且上课做练习的时候老师看我做的,基本上每一个对的,不是题目抄错就是根本 上数学课有什么办法不分心? 你给不了我足够的安全感 怎么翻译成英文 英语翻译”我想要的安全感,你不曾给过”翻译成英语怎么说 安全感翻译英文 His uncle goes to Beijing by car every week.同义句 could you give me a hand with this box?can you give me a hand with this box?的区别could can意思是Can you 开头的句子都可以有could you? 上课如何做到不分心啊?当听课时,明明很专心,可不知不觉的就慢慢的走神了. 一位诗人把毕生的精力和无限的希望都倾注在了渴望祖国统一上,在生命的逆流之际仍在诗中叮嘱儿子什么? 把我的心脏带回祖国主要内容中有个词: there's one right across the street意思?there's one right across the street.这里“right”是表示右边还是正好?这一句怎么翻译通顺? choose the right one what's the color _____ your uncle's new car? by与until的区别?请说具体些,并附上例子. “到……为止”by、 until、 before怎么区别?