
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 19:57:58
跟据首字母提示写单词It is difficult to d____ between the two. please tell us the d___between these two pictuees. It's difficult _ (tell) the difference between the two flowers. It has never been difficult or painful for us to say these three words.even thoughthe three words may meet the response of people's good intention but unsympathetic praise这句话是什么意思? 英语翻译你是我在世上唯一的亲人,哥哥.以上那句. 推荐一个中文和意大利语互译的软件 急用 什么是矽肺病? 2010矽肺病 赔偿 介词的意思和作用 介词是怎么结构或者说是一个什么样的概念? 哪些是介词?(语文)越多越好 More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great ____ of goods.A.variety B.mixture C.extension D.combination 请教法语里面单词发音为"se va"的含义?我不打算做个法语通,但每次遇上说法语的客人问候的时候常出现这个词,发音有点类似于“舍 娃”. I like ____(rain)all the time? I like rain,i LIKE rain.i like RAIN.3个单词的重度不同的话, 吸毒危害健康的事例就是有什么吸毒对身体危害的事例,要真实的.我要写征文.不是说后果,我要的是,某某人因为吸毒.而造成了家庭什么什么的. 吸毒死亡的真实事例想什么人 几岁 是吃什么毒死亡的 字数少点 写的好的给20分 一篇吸毒毁灭自己的案例,不包括社会和家庭的 中原经济区中河南发展工业的有利因素(除资源外),急用!地理方面答 He was hoping to go abroad but his parents that they won’t support him unless he can borrow moneyHe was hoping to go abroad but his parents __B____ that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.A、were deciding B、have de 谁知道《Turn!Turn!Turn!》这首歌的英文歌词?是电影《阿甘正传》里的一首插曲 高中英语必修四,第五单元的warming up:theme parks-fun and more then fun 的翻译 为什么说加强社会主义法治是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要 依法治国,和谐社会的选择题4.依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,必须健全社会主义制度.健全我国的社会主义法制,(.ABD)A.必须维护宪法和法律的尊严B.必须逐步建立完善我国社会主义法律 The children made______(snowman) last winter.Su Yang's dad_____(need)a scarf for the winter. He is better at piano than She is. 有时会产生幻觉,是什么原因啊近一年来,有好几次出现这样的情况,有点担心会不会是自己有什么问题.有两三次是在过人行横道时产生幻觉,以为旁边有辆车向我开来,我便本能地往旁边闪开,可 -Who is that woman on TV?-()pop singer,i often l-Who is that woman on TV?-()pop singer,i often listen to her songs.A.A. B.An. C.the. D./ 噪音会不会使人产生幻觉 Green sings pop songs.(同义句) Green ( ) a pop ( ). She is a popular ( ) ,she sings pop songs .括号里是 s 开头的单词 . 英语过几级和老外交流没问题