
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:19:33
Don't ball this up don't make this who likes playing tennis?的回答是什么.是I do还是I like? 西班牙语字母表发音MP3西班牙语字母表发音的Mp3文件找了很久阿 HElP! 能把西班牙语字母表及音频文件发给我一份吗?milkcomes@foxmail.com 我是零基础的 网上收费课程什么的就不用了 因为毕竟只是爱好 哪位推荐学西班牙语的方法 好网站什么的也可以~ Teachers won't write in a blackboard with chalk那里有错 英语翻译 Chalk ______write on the blackboard by most of the teachers now.A. is used to B.used to选什么,为什么 开始吹口哨,之后好像是put you hand put you hand let me什么rt,是个男的唱的,应该是酒吧那种舞曲吧 求西班牙语字母表发音MP3下载. 急求西语字母表发音MP3格式哪位老大有西班牙语字母表的MP3格式啊麻烦发我一份365827353万分感谢 skate和shape的a发音相同吗 talk about sth是否等于talk with/to sp what am I not allowed to talk to you?是什么意思? last name 请翻译 If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard,更简单... (字数有限) 接上 will black chalk chalk black on a white whiteboard then? if white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard,这句话的意思补 will black chalk chalk black on a white whiteboard then? 英语翻译Carrie Underwood.歌词翻译. his last name 翻译中文 KATE向LEO的表白中文翻译 西班牙语字母表上第三排的字母名称是什么?是用来读的吗? leo and kate的感情路清楚的泰迷请进.leo and kate他们在一起了吗?很多人说他们没在一起.可是66届金球奖kate的获奖感言又是怎么回事? 现代西班牙语字母表中的名称是指什么本人为初学者,既然有了印刷体和书写体,还有了音标,那么名称究竟是什么,请教各路西班牙语狂人,先谢过了!或者说各名称的意义是什么, lost的结局kate 和jack 到底有没有在一起呀···好希望他们在一起哦···剩下的人呢? jack和kate后面有没有在一起?迷失看了第一季,这两个人还没点眉目!好像后面和sawyer在一起了,那再后面呢? If we have debited funds from your personal account,your account will be credited.这句话怎么理解 can you _____ a food and drink poster? Time ____,I will go there with you A.permits B.Time ____,I will go there with youA.permits B.Permitted C.will permit D.permitting most foreighers are fond of eating chinese food (most)括号内为什么不是mostly 高中英语选择:The reason ___ he made such kind of mistakes isthat he has had no previous experience of this kind of job.A.that B.which C.why 选什么?为什么?什么语法结构? were there ____actors ____the aquarium?1.some,at 2.any,at 3.some,in 4.any,on We can see a lot of people doing exercises in the park even ___a cold morning.中是用on还是in?有人认为on用在表示具体的某一天前,如果用on应该用定冠词the,而这里是用不定冠词a ,则应该用in你认为这样的想法对