
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:03:46
魔界第一部 the fellowship of the ring中文名是文学作品不是电影,the fellowship of the ring 普遍翻译成《魔戒现身》但是从字面意义好像不贴合英文原意?《魔界远征队》是否合适?或者其他更贴近英文 the fellowship of the ring什么时候写的呀?我看前言居然有个“note on the 50th anniversary edition”,发现这原来是个经典书籍啊. (m+n)!/(m+n-2)!-n!/(n-2)!=62怎么化简 m-n^2+m-n^2 化简 Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire"...Translate.Thank you Located along the Pacific"Ring of Fire".Japan is one of the world's most earth-quake-prone countries. The Supplier of the fire 现有浓度为5%的果珍饮料,若要把浓度提高到10%,应往饮料中添加多少克果珍 in the ring怎么翻译? in ring翻译 why do you still fight in the ring ring 在这里如何翻译? 有谁能提供anyone of us的中文歌词?我急需这首歌的中文翻译, 英语翻译I've been letting you down,down Girl I know I've been such a fool Giving into temptation I should have played it cool The situation got out of hand I hope you understand It can happen to anyone of us Anyone you think of Anyone can fall An 英语翻译下面这句话中的"top"应该翻译为"高达$500,000"还是"是最高的,达到$500,000"还是"高过$500,000"?The house price in Washing TOPS $500,000 and LA is right behind at just under that. 英语翻译在工作中经常遇到,总听同事们说给供应商 top milling,但具体意思一直没搞懂. Do you like a big pen or a small pen?翻译 3条直线最多可以把圆分成几部分?4条呢? 英语翻译 一元二次方程(5)已知p×p-p-1=0,1-q-q×q=0,且pq不等于1,则式子pq+1/q的值为 Draw the paper frog's eyes with the colored pen 翻译 现有浓度现有浓度为5%的果汁饮料500克,若要把浓度提高到10%,应往该饮料中添加多少克果珍用列方程 英语翻译(1) EXPRESS LIFTING MASK MASQUE LIFT EXPRESS(2) EYE CONTOUR UIFT CREAM(3) UP-LIFT FIRMING SERUM RAFFERMISSANT COUP D'ECLAT这是葆丽美套盒里带的这几样我不明白 英语翻译这是一首英文歌啊,要歌词翻译 anyone of us 是(我们都会错)的意思么? 现有浓度为5%的果珍饮料200g,若要把浓度提高到10%,应往该饮料中添加多少克果珍?麻烦用列方程来解, “尻”这个字读什么,意思有是什么? 请问这个字怎么读?"尻"这个"尻"字怎么拼? 尻怎么读 "尻'这个字怎么读? 尻 这个字怎么读?拼音注明一下 she_____ (work)here since l ____ (move)hershe_____ (work)here since l ____ (move)here in 1999 I__( work) here since last friday 判定函数F(X)=(e^1/x-e^-1/x)/(e^1/x+e^1/x)的连续性,若有间断点,判别其类型