
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:45:38
高一英语改错.有10处错误The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world.It had a history of over twenty centuries.To keep the enemy out of his empire,Emperor Qin Shi Huang had all the walls join up.Thus,the Great Wall came into be 求:高一英语改错10处错误.No single human is better than all the rests.It is a valuable lesson 1.______to lose sometime,to be beaten by another person.Accept this,if 2.______you don't,you will damage your mental ang physical health.3.______ 高一英语改错 一共十处语言错误Dear Jack,I'm middle school student.I'm writing to tell you my problem with my mother.She is a doctor ,whom works very hard.She is strict in me,but she is too busy with her work that she found little time to 投掷硬币的概率计算投掷硬币,如果是正面就前进2步,如果是反面就后退一步,现投掷3次,回归到原位的几率是多少 某校数学竞赛,共有20道题,每做对一题得5分,做错一题扣3分,不做得0分,小英结果得69分,那么小英做对几题?不用方程 数学竞赛,有20题.做对一题得5分,做错一题扣3分,没做得0分.小英得了69分,她有几题没做?要解题过程!急~~~~ 揣摩下面句子的特点,然后仿写一个句子例句:每个柱头上都雕刻着不同姿态的狮子.这些石刻狮子,有的母子相抱,有的交头接耳,有的像倾听水声,有的像注视行人,千姿万态,惟妙惟肖. 揣摩例句的特点,仿写一个句子例句:这一点火焰是不会熄灭的.它将永远燃着,正想一个母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽. 急求一道英语改错题答案 有十处错误This morning my cousin ran to my house,crying.She seemed very sadly.She said that she had a big fight for her parents."I went to a concert the last night.They did't like it but scolded me when I came b 英语改错题答案,共十处错误My classmates Liu Hua looks tired this week.This morning,I ask him if he had trouble in fall asleep.He said no and explained how he looked tired."I want to do well in my studies,so I have been stayed up these days 急求一道英语改错题答案 共十处错误This morning my cousin ran to my house,crying.She seemed very sadly.She said that she had a big fight for her parents."I went to a concert the last night.They did't like it but scolded me when I came b 材料0.1的磷铜,凹模刀口间隙放多大?冲头是紧固在夹板上还是以脱料板效正?请高手指教. 物是观念的集合中的物指的是什么 “物是观念的集合”怎么解释? 物是被感觉的集合是什么观点 “物是观念的集合”是唯物主义思想吗? 一道英语改错题,共有10个错误In Feb.2nd 1979,China’s Vice-premier Deng Xiaoping was on visit to the U.S.He was in the space flight center near to Houston Texas.Sat in the pilot’s seat of a model of a space shuttle(航天飞机),he was a 求用方程解一道应用题今年哥哥和弟弟的年龄和是27岁,两年前相差3岁,今年哥哥和弟弟多少岁?要有算是 某校数学竞赛,共有20道填空题,评分标准是,每做对一题得五分,做错一题倒扣三分,没做的一题得零分,得分69,有几题未做? 直角三角形已知角度和平距.求斜长和高.平距为49.099,2个角度为69°34°49° 95°22°52°~!夹角为25°48°03°太久没用过了.都忘记了.求大家速度帮忙解决一下,最好有详细的方法.平距为49.099,上边的 一直角三角形底3900MM,高450MM,帮我算下斜长是多少? 知到高和底的长度求直角三角形的斜长的计算方式 线切割HL编程凸模和凹模之间的间隙怎么算的?比如我在一个长方体的铁块中割一个直径为10的圆做凸模,割完后的长方体做为凹模,要求凹模中间圆的直径为10.8,请问编程时补偿间隙输入多少,我 分析下面句子的特点,然后仿写.句子:海是水的一部字典:浪花是部首,涛声是音序,海鸥是海的文字.分析:仿写: 数学问题八年级下册 求词.桎什么` 一个木`一个告`念什么`又是什么意思` 桎悎 这词是什么意思?请教桎悎 这词表示什么意思?请解释? 谁知道纯情的繁体字 唯美小火鸡中间那个符号怎么打 一刻度均匀,但不准确的温度计,测得冰水混合物的温度为6℃,一标准气压下沸水的温度为96℃,(1)若测得一物体温度为24℃,它的实际温度为多少?(2)若测得一物体温度为-3℃,它的实际温度为 信念和信仰区别是什么 信仰与信念有什么区别?