
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 14:45:27
book good moon三个哪个读音不同 怎样分析词语中的语素? a画线,选出画线部分读音不同的一项:1.tabie 2.grape 3.dance 4.plate grape的a怎么发音 glad和grape中的a读音一样吗 “死”有许多的说法,根据句子的情景,填入不同的词语1、夏明翰面对敌人的屠刀,毫不畏惧,英勇( )了.2、不到20分钟,敌人就被我军( )了.3、刘胡兰宁可( )生命,也不愿意说出党的秘密. A:( ) look!your clothes are out of style.B:no,l can’t go shopping .()中该填什么 请高手帮找出这段英语的语法点.It came to pass that one beautiful day God wished to take a stroll in the heavenly garden,and took all the apostles and saints with him,leaving no one in heaven but Saint Peter.The Lord had commanded him to baby怎么发音我听音乐都是贝贝音标是{beibi}到底是发什么? They * going to see my mother this sunday.A.both B.Either C.All D.Both选哪个,为什么?a.both b.both are c.are both of d.are both 英语语法对吗?all this time,you acting like you don't have feeling for me,Now you sad? allow 后接 to do 和 doing 有何区别? allow to do sth ,allow doing sth 有什么区别 allow to do something 和allow doing something 有什么区别急用! 和television的si发音相同的单词有木? television中的si发什么音?有没有和它发音相同的单词 一对双胞胎女儿取乳名一对双胞胎女儿,生于2010年11月,一直叫大宝和小宝,想取2个好听些的乳名,请大家帮忙,最好叠音,要连贯的哦,前面加个小字也可以,谢谢 秋雨的词语句子我16日要交请大家帮帮忙. ____we get___food?No,Let's have some drink A.Would,some B.Would,any C.Shall,some D.Shall,any how about加什么时态 how about what about 用什么时态回答 It about time后面接什么时态 think about 后接动词的什么时态? 2011四年级下册语文期末试卷的作文是什么? 龙这种动物到底是怎么产生的?十二生肖11个都是真有的,如果龙是人们幻想出来的不是真正存在的又怎么会名副其实的成为十二生肖,为什么龙会成为十二生肖的一个?难道祖先的人类会把一种 盘子里几乎没有面包了的英文There _____ _____ bread in the plate. he XXX more on playing computer games than his lessons.XXX处的中文意思是关心,那么XXX应该是英文... Learning English well is more raluable than playing computer games .( ) A.interesting B.relaxing C He likes playing computer games.(用not...any more改写句子) how was等不等于what about? how about you是否等于what about you?根据中文意思完成句子 我喜欢北京的秋天,你呢?I like the autumn in Beijing. _____ _____ you? 答案是what about.是不是说how about 就不行呢? recommend for 与recommend to 与recommend as 区别例子