
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 10:14:16
催化剂(分析纯)能用来做什么水溶性反应——合格;杂质含量:澄清度——0.05%,水不溶物——0.001%,氯化物——0.01%,硫酸盐——0.002%,氮化合物——0.0005%,钾——0.0005%,铁——0.0005%,砷——0.000 what kinds of jobs interest you most and least?英语怎么回答 刮刀离心机下的料(12%水分)怎么往盘式干燥机输送,现在我们用的料斗料不能自动的放下来. 硫酸钾和锌反应,四氯化碳和锌反应方程式 聚苯乙烯原料价格走向?越快越好! what place are you going to visit 改为同义句 The place--you are going to visit is the ruin of a place为什么用which 随便翻译出来 what will you do when you are in a strange place?Suppose you are going to BWhat will you do when you are in a strange place?Suppose you are going to Boston and you have never visited the city before.If someone 21 you about the interesting places in t 1.They are going to visit (Guangzhou museum).括号里的部分用what place代替还有:2( Uncle Chen) is going to drive us there.括号里用who代替 第一盒乒乒乓球中有4个白球2个黄球,第二盒乒乓球中有3个白球3个黄球,分别从每个盒中随即地抽取1个球,求下列事件的概率:(1) 取出的两个球都是黄球;(2) 取出的两个球中有一个白球 有3盒乒乓球,每盒75个(只有黄,白两色).第一盒黄球和第二盒的白球同样多,第三盒的白球是第三盒乒乓球总数的五分之二,这三盒乒乓球一共有黄球多少个? 源辉煌不锈钢201管生锈了怎么办我去年十月份买的源辉煌不锈钢今年都锈黑了要怎么处理.可不可以找厂家.如果可以要怎么处理.才几个月,就算处理了也还是很快就锈了.既然201那么差为什么 i visited the Bund last week.划线部分the Bund提问.请问是用what did 还是where did我的两个老师是两种答案,搞不清……谢谢 Where ______ did you visit last week?A.other B.others C.another D.else请问这道题选B不可以吗?为什么? I visit the university last week ____i studied A.then B which C where D that正确答案是C,为什么不选B .C Ths is the place ______I visit last summer A,where B,which C.what 用水煮 雄黄 变成砒霜啊我看到 都说雄黄加热 会变成 砒霜 加热多少度 才会反应放在水里煮 成砒霜啊 雄黄如何变砒霜? Mount Wuyi is such an attractive place of interest____everyone likes to visit.为什么答案是as,不能是that或which,visit是及物动词,却宾语that和which不是也可以在定语从句中做宾语么? mount wuyi is such an attractive piace of interest as everyone likes to visi为什么从句要用as Mount tai is such a attractive place of great interest _____everyone likes to visit .A.as B.whose C.which D.what答案给的是A 为什么 hangzhou is an attractive place of interest ___everyone likes visit 这里填that as which 中请给出原因 it's fun to visit such a wonderful place(改为同义句) _ such a wonderful place is _.It's fun to visit such a wonderful place.(改为同义句)_ such a wonderful place is _. 我家用光触媒处理过了,是不是就没有甲醛了? “光触媒”在什么地方可以买到?光触媒除甲醛的效果好吗? 怎么写广告语? 镀镍工艺后还能进行抛光处理么?是否会破坏镀层,如果不抛光,那么表面粗糙度能达到什么水平呢? 没铜打底?滚镀镍需要铜打底,但是电镀厂不给镀铜,有什么药可以代替铜得作用性吗?(滚镀拉簧得时候内部上不了镍)或者有什么办法让拉簧里面上镍,表面光泽? 有没有人会做纳米活性碳 丙烯加氯气反应?CH3-CH=CH2+Cl2不是发生取代反应生成Cl-CH2-CH=CH2+HCl吗?怎么我看到一题是说CH2Cl-CHCl-CH2Cl是由CH3-CH=CH2+Cl2和Cl2制得的,谁知道是为什么 丙烯和氯气如何反应 丙烯与氯气在光照条件下反应,最多得到几种沸点不同的有机物