
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:07:46
已知sina=4/5,a∈(π/2,π)试求1.tana的值2.sin2a的值 激光的波长是什么意思? 如何让自己做作业又快,效率又高我上课都很专心听作业都会做但是,做作业的速度很慢吖担心做快了效率不高.怎么办?太慢做到太晚,睡眠又不足. 什么是长波长和短波长激光 如何提高做作业效率和速度我现在初三,每天作业相当多,有时候可以按照计划完成作业,但想到有很多作业就会有心理负担.因此每天做到11点多.第二天学习效率又变得很低.对此很是苦恼.主要 红激光的波长是多少? 同功率的激光的杀伤力与波长的关系是什么?如题有人说波长越大杀伤力越强一派胡言! 小明和小刚在做电学实验 64a3 —1 这是一道因式分解题. 1,11,111,1111……,1111…11(2013个1)这2013个数中,有几个能被41整除?求求各位网友,帮个忙~(>. 111······1÷7 (50个1) 当商是整数时,余数是几? 微观经济学题目.2.At the optimum combination of two inputs,A、the slopes of the isoquant and isocost curves are equal.B、costs are minimized for the production of a given output.C、the marginal rate of technical substitution equals the ratio 111…1(2013个1)?222…2(2013个2)是一个2047位数,它能被13整除,中间的问号处应该填什么?是4027位,打字错了 红外线波长:850nm是什么意思 关于初2英语的比较级句子练习题有么?继续!我为了我这个都要炸咯! 改写句子1 This jacket is not as cheap as that one .This jacket is _____ ______ than that one .2 My uncle is shorter than my father .My father is ______ ______ my uncle .3 Tom is the happiest boy in our class.Tom is ____ ___ ______ _____ boy in ou 红外接收二极管分波长吗?必须和发射管波长对应吗? I want to buy a new bike,and my mother will a__ to give me some money.(说明原因)agree行吗? When I lost my job,my mother helped me by ___ me __ some money怎么填? money,I,mother,a,for,ask,soccer,to,some,my,buy,ball连词成句 My mother usually () me some money to buy breakfast 反义词填空原型为get sina>cosa,如何得到π/4<a<5/4π?我不太会,把我当成傻瓜,每一步要有公式和理由 设5π 男人说想你的时候代表什么从老公手机里发现他对一个女人说想她,之后我问他是怎么回事,他和我解释说只是普通朋友,对她很崇拜.但是我始终不太相信.谁能帮我分析一下.当男人这么说的时 若sinA=4/5,则cosA=(A)3/5 (B)3/5或-3/5 (C)1 (D)-3/5 当一个女人对男人说想你的时候意味着什么? 当男人跟你说好想你的时候,其实是在向你打招呼 小学、初一的英语都学不好.我该怎么办?我其他科目都很好,都上90。小学英语几乎全部内容落下了,小学英语教材是“深圳小学英语现行教材”,初中英语教材是“牛津深圳版”。我的词汇 Think of this situations: Your mother is busy in the kitchen. She suddenly asks you to pass someflat to her. You do so. What wil your mother say? Maybe she'll say n_____. She just goes on doing the c_____. After a while, the dinner is ready. Your mot she is going to buy her mother some flowers的同义句还有Theyusually go fishing twice a week.对划线部分提问 划的是twice a week My mother is busy,but she is helping ___ to buy some apple juice.(I)We need a little jam today.(改为一般疑问句)___ we ___ a little jam today?