
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 08:24:39
你现在在哪里啊,这句话用粤语怎么说 英语翻译 Between the bank and the supermarket ____________ their friend’s B.are C.has D.have 英语单词连词成句 are,your,polite,new,and,all,friends,helpful your/polite/new/are/and/helpful/all/friends 连词成句 这句话粤语怎么说我黑一个冇钱冇车冇套房,更加冇相貌的肥仔,涕冇起我就不要来揾我.请问 用 香港话 口头语 来说 怎么说的?是香港话 不是广州话 字应该怎么打`~ The library is (between the vide arcade and the superket.)对挂号内部分提问 江南水乡的景色很美 改为比喻句 窗外,风吹翠竹,飒飒作响 改为拟人句 写一个排比句 关于风景的拟人句 作文以一位印象深刻的老师为题的作文 作文:老师的初印象400字以上,可以只写开头和结尾,中间写老师的话我自己来,开头和结尾一定要好,要多点字,那样我就可以中间少写点了! 想要什么礼物 英文怎么写 “礼物”用英文怎么写?忘了“礼物”用英文怎么写了!急,明天就要交了 礼物英文怎么写? 英语推理小故事如果可以翻译,麻烦帮忙翻译!超级急用!拜托各位了! .英文的推理故事.程度不要太难..大概初一水平就OK!谢喇~ 天干地支有什么作用?各代表什么意思? LED芯片漏电、怎么样可以看出来到底是因为芯片本身就漏电、还是静电导致的?求专家帮忙. 分析I like reading books中的句子成分……就是主谓宾什么的, Many students like reading books_____ in writeB.written C.wroteD.writing知道答案的朋友请写出解法.Thank you very much!Maybe we will become friends!我知道答案,别想敷衍我^ 几道英语题,求好人帮忙 天干地支的定义,要具体的. 天干地支有哪些,分别有什么意义?(具体一点) we should prevent the old trees from being cut down 还是being cutting down 英语:you should first put down your answers in your test booklet 1 should more need attention ,the line was shut down to prevent further defects from being produced请问should 在此是什么用法? 帮我弄成中文?No amount of coffee,No amount of crying,No amount of whiskey,No amount of wine,No 英语作文:玛丽胃疼犯了 去看医生 展开想象 写一段他和医生间的对话 80次左右 这句英文看不懂结构:whether or not you want to read the whole article should cut down some timewhen you go into the databases and electronic sauces,you have the option to display the abstracts on the computer screen,skimming those to decide Torrow he will take part in a job interview( )the interviewer is likely to ask some difficultquestions.A,thatB,whenC,whomD,where为何不选A Some of the 英语翻译