
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 23:42:00
very meaningful怎么读用汉语回答 电子钟一天显示的时间是从00:00到23:59,每一个时刻都由四个数学组成,则一天中任一时刻显示的四个数字之和为23的概率为( )A 1/180B 1/288C 1/360D 1/480 电子钟可显示00:00:00到23:59:59的时间,在一昼夜内钟表上显示的时间恰有1.组成共有多少秒 英语中用高级词汇替换Very important 英语关于very与absolutely以及相关词语的一些问题Intensifiers make adjectives stronger:I’m very cold.He’s extremely confident.Downtoners make adjectives weaker.I’m rather cold.He’s fairly confident.Extreme intensifiersExtreme adj 英语中除有very,表达非常之外还有哪些高级词汇? 请问BEC高级听力Part 1的填词必须要和答案一模一样一字不差呢?是不是填近义词也可以?如果漏了S或者少了介词也算错吗?具体的评分准则是怎样的啊?哪里能看到详细的? BEC中级PART ONE 写作.To :all staffFrom:derekDate:19 Apr.2011Subject:staff rewardAs you know,Our company's profits have gone up recently,it due to long time hard working.I really appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.All of yo 人民的英语单词怎么写? 人类活动英语单词 I am curious to know wether you will take kindly to this new solution什么意思RT 只有天上在,更无山于齐.举头红日近,回首白云低.请问一下这两句的修辞手法,并说明理由. 任他五岳归来客,一见天都也叫奇;只有天在上,更无山与齐.举头红日近,回首白云低.分别描绘的任他五岳归来客,一见天都也叫奇;只有天在上,更无山与齐.举头红日近,回首白云低.分别描绘的 秾(nong)丽的意思 《华山》:只有天在上,更无山与齐.举头红日尽,回首白云低.这首诗描写了山什么的特点? 与“只有天在上,更无山与齐.举头红日近,回首白云低.”相近的句子有哪些? 问字:人们常常说‘nōng着吧’,表示‘凑合’、'将就'的意思.这个nong音,该是哪个字呀? 有一个字,读音是nong,意思是酒味醇 which result from many reasons是什么意思? Eating too much will___sickness.A.brought in B.result in C.result from D.led into1 He was busy cleaning the room all the morning,only____occasionally to have some tea.breaking offbreaking upbreaking downbreaking throughHe often took___ of her lack of occasional cases can usually be result from some other more serious causes .3822 这里be result from SHEN 请问from between连用是什么意思呢?可以这样用吗?请问from between连用是什么意思呢?可以这样用吗?在句中"The need for communication from between different cultures is growing.能否再为我举个例子.请尽快答复. There are(l )of people in the supermarket on Sunday.We have(l )at 12 o clock. qiu da shen bang mang您好!冒昧打扰您了,最近无意看到紫微星盘,就测了下,可惜一点都不懂,看到百度上,您帮忙回答了好多网友,故特地想请您帮忙看看,武府小道大师,虚心求教,求赐教 wei shen me da bu hu zi wei shen me da bu le zijia li mian tu ran ting dian .ran hou wo zai kai ji jiu da bu le zi le.wo xian zai hen yu men .shu ru fa de tubiao ye mei le.ken qiu da gege da jiejie .zhitiao ming lu 三刺鱼在繁殖期间,下列事实可能成立的是( )三刺鱼在繁殖期间,下列事实可能成立的是()A 外形有很大区别 B腹部变为红色 C 个体大小有很大不同 星条旗永不落怎么样 The Emperor's New Clothes 歌词 we are the emperor 佳能那个广告的歌的歌词,有人知道名字吗 There're less advertisements between the two programmes.中哪个词用错了,应改为什么词?