
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:52:49
求阅读理解标准答案,..The number of speakers of English in Shakerspear’s time...The number of speakers of English in Shakerspear’s time is estimated to be have been about five millon.Today it is eatimeted that some 260 million people spea IF I add 8 to five times a certain number,the answer is 43.what is the number?中文一定要! Five times a number is the same as the number added to five.What is the number? 英语翻译After what is described in the AAA’s News Bulletin as a “lengthy discussion” of the Morgan case at the annual AAA business meeting (by three hundred nonvoting members and ninety-three voting fellows),the Council passed a motion reso 改错:I have been to Hainan three time . what’s your favorite 、、、?(一问两答)I like 、、、、best.my favorite、、is、、. 求一首英文歌 ,有what’s your favoritewhat's your favorite tell me what’s your favourite这样的 英语翻译1 你还要对 我说什么话?2 你还有其他的话 要对 那个女孩说吗?3 能让我再说最后一句话吗?说完我就走,从此不在你面前出现.英语翻译 4 what anything else .有这个说法么?看到有说 what anyth 又有礼貌、又乐于助人用英语怎么写? The students in this school have P.E class once____twice a week.A and B or C so D but ______number of student in my class is 50.and _____number of them come to shcool by bus .A.The.theB.The,\C.The,aD.A,the A number of students in my class_________from Beijing.The number of them____9.A.is,is B.is,are C.are,is D.are,are The number of students of this school ______ large.A. are B. have not C. isn't D. aren't 该选啥? The number of the students in our class is _ than in Class 3.A.more B.larger B选A还是选B?为什么? you have some money left.这里left是什么词性请顺便告诉我怎么用请顺便告诉我怎么用这种意思的left 问个问题:you have some poket money left的句子结构是什么 I have got some monry in my pocket.对some提问 —— —— money—— you got some pocket.请知道的人,赶快给我回答 Have you been asked for money by some dHave you been asked for money by some disabled beggars while yuo're enjoying shopping 用中文怎么翻译 They ______ the Summer Palace three times.选项:a、have gone to b、have been to c、have been in d Goverment officials feel it necessary that limits___for the number of fish to be causht at one timeA.set B.to be set 是不是都可以啊? 耐心等待 的英文怎么写? 英语翻译:首先感谢您的支持,您的订单会在近期尽快给您寄去,请您耐心等待.谁会翻译啊! 我会耐心等待,直到你的降临.这句话英文怎么说才美呢? 谁能告诉我一些有特点的广告词什么广告词都行 用英语翻译在太空中如何吃如何穿喝什么 广告语的特点是简洁凝练,明白易懂,朗朗上口,新颖独特,富有情趣,主题突出.请你赏析“中国联通”广告语:情系中国结,联通四海心. 广告词对学习语文有什么好处 英语翻译奇瑞汽车有限公司自上市以来就注重开拓国内国际两个市场,发展非常迅速.美国一直是全球最大的汽车销售市场,奇瑞汽车开拓美国市场有其必要性和可行性,在对其进行态势分析的基 英语翻译第一,坚持冷水洗脸:冷水洗脸醒脑精神好,不仅锻炼耐寒能力,还能预防感冒.第二,适当户外活动:冬天户外活动很重要,可预防冻疮.第三,晚上用热水洗脚:有保温和助眠的功效. 5条广告词或标语,3条要评论5条广告词或标语,其中3条要有评论 收集并评议10条广告语,收集并评议10条广告语(电视广告.街头广告……均可)如——广告语1.“全球通,通全球”;2.评议:运用顶真修辞,两句句式整齐,巧妙的说明中国电信服务地域广,有将 我也搜集了一些这样的广告语: