
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 21:31:53
我国古代第一部军事理论著作是? 外国语言文学及应用语言学与英语语言文学有什么区别?哪一个就业面更广一些? 描写拖地的句子只要十五句, 结合上下文,合理想象,从肖像、动作、语言描写中任选两种方法,补写第③段“女主 人很吃惊”的情景.(80字左右) 英语:季节,春天能干什么,夏天能干什么,秋天能干什么,冬天能干什么 你真能干 用英语怎么说你真了不起~英语怎么说 The last of the last ,ls the earliest求翻译! over four years ago的over什么意思 for years 用于什么时态 英语经贸属不属于金融类 如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽.这句名言是哪位名人说的?请回答! 忘记用英语怎么说 英语翻译要求:应用在一份英文报告中的注释,需要解释Year-on-year growth和Annulus growth这两个词组分别是什么意思,必须是用英文来解释的,要求简明扼要! 英语翻译英文翻译中文at.home.at.a.new.year.is.partyon.a.picnic year英文翻译 can you tell me where i can walk safely=can you tell me where can you tell me where he.A.was B.has gone C.spend D.enjoy为什么? [ ]are all good students,A tom,you and i B I,YOU AND TOM C YOU,TOM and i.请给我讲你我他谁应方前 Neither Tom nor Jack and I (are)?his students a thirteen-year-old boy的中文翻译 over the years 是什么时态柡志 The park is _____ the hotel and the restaurant. 根据所写的英语名词所有格知识写出下列短句、几个填空 The museum is (between the bank and restaurant)对括号提问 写出下列短语的所有格形式.1.the knives of the man 2.the feet of the boy 3.the pig of Mr White 4.the face of the girl 5.the coat of Tom 6.the box of Linda 7.the home of the dog The supermarket is between the hotel and the park(同义句)记住::: 要改成2个不同的同义句~~~~ 写出下列词语的所有格形式(1)the ping-pong ball of Jim____(2)the farm of Mr.White______(3)the key of my friend____(4)the car of the policeman___(5)the knives of the cook___(6)the boat of that fisherman(7)the drees of Miss Wang____(8)the nes 写出下列名词和词组的所有格.小学的. I have been thinking of you all the time~ you are in my heart all the time 单词形式的不规则动词和过希望越多越好 You are in my heart all the time.