
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:47:40
He failed in the driving test again.He _________.A.must have disapointed B.must have beenHe failed in the driving test again.He _________.  A.must have disapointed B.must have been disappointed  C.might be disappointed D.couldn’t be disapoi - Unbelievable!I have failed the driving test again!- _______ This is not the end of the world.A.Good luck.B.Cheer up.C.Go ahead.\x05D.No problem. You have failed in the test again .You ( ) hard at your subject .A should have studied B must have studied C may have studied D need have studied I have failed ,__I'll try againA so B yet c because D for 选哪个 为什么? The Lion and the Mouse 短文分析,The Lion and the Mouse Once a great lion was sleeping.A little mouse came and ran over his face.The lion awoke(醒来) and caught the little mouse in anger(生气),and was going to kill(吃掉) her.“ Oh,dear kind 英语搞笑小对话《Lion and Mouse》 你们能在这英语找出Where are the lion and the mouse这句你们能在这英语找出Where are the lion and the mouse这句话的根据 英语翻译eager to make money off of our naivety. if i go to shop they charge 10 times 英语准确翻译, Mary lives 填介词 Yilin road .直升机空投物资时,可以停留在空中不动,设投出的物资离...Mary lives 填介词 Yilin road .直升机空投物资时,可以停留在空中不动,设投出的物资离开飞机后,由于降落伞的 急求《珍惜时间》的相关名篇 ,古今中外不限,(《匆匆>除外) There were lots of treasures __(在里面) somewhere over the rainbow哪个唱的最好听 的主题曲Somewhere Over the Rainbow英文歌词 小康妮的Somewhere Over The Rainbow歌词 谁有~ 请问somewhere over the rainbow今天央视直播NBA,湖人VS灰熊,中间插播的科比的视频,背景音乐是谁唱的?求告知, It wasin the lab( )was taken charge of by Tom.中空白处填什么(定语从句) popular 是什么意思 Mary lives ___ the fourth floor and Elsa lives two floors _____ herA.on;below B.on;under C.in;below D.in;above应该选A还是B? 品牌用什么词形容 there were a lot of wild animals in the forest in the past.(同义句转换) 形容一个企业很正规 很专业的词语 越多越好 就是类似正规 专业 领先 实用等等这类的词语只要是形容词就行比如你在搜索一个企业的时候都会搜什么词 正规的 专业的 等等 越多越好啊 有谁知道I am in my first year at college 这句话怎么译哦 According to some doctors,one of the ways to delay the aging process is to make sure that our brains get enough exercise翻译 I live on the third floor.on the third floor是什么成分?是地点状语还是宾语? Where d____ your friend live?He lives on the third floor. 在三楼可以怎样翻译?On the third floor对吗?除了这样翻译还可以怎样说? 狠毒的用英语怎么说? 前面加个language怎么翻译 language翻译成阿拉伯语是什么 99五速化油器普桑,最近出现问题,冷车时行驶有一种吱吱的金属摩擦声,如果踩下离合器,声音消失,并且,只有1.2.3.4档有这种声音,5档没有,本来以为离合分离不彻底,昨天去调了离合器间隙,故障 请各位高手不吝赐教--关于表面活性剂的问题PVA,APM,OP-10,TX-10,LAB十二烷基硫酸钠十二烷基磺酸钠十二烷基苯磺酸钠的HLB分别是多少?小弟本人是做油田化学的现在做乳化剂基础知识不好至于hlb