
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:00:31
he was very upset by the______ of english examination.A.loss B.result 我选的A,求详解. My brother's English teacher is Mr Smith.就画线部分提问.画线部分是:Mr Smith.( ) is ( ) ( ) English teacher?Is her favorite color red?Is her favorite color blue?(改为选择疑问句)( )( )favorite color ( ) ( ) ( 认真读歌谣,填空力 厉 历 励 利 记忆犹新成长史,〔 〕〔 〕在目难忘记 2010年查干湖的冬捕是什么时候 谁能帮我想一个M开头.或者名字里有mi发音的英文名.急用!最好是M开头.可爱一点的.最最最最最好是自创的哈. 2014查干湖冬捕时间是什么时候 Mi开头的英文名 不要太长 看起来帅一点的 我是男生 林肯是个什么样的总统 写四字词语 林肯是怎样的人?(四个词) 双子叶植物有哪些木质部中,死细胞最多的部位是:a树皮b形成层c木质部d髓 Mr .Green ____supper with Mr.Black this evening,a:is going to have b:have c:has d:had 1、枝芽的叶原基和幼叶哪个有分裂能力 2、杨树树干加粗的部分主要是木质部还是韧皮部还是形成层形成层向内变成木质部,向外变成韧皮部,到底哪里加粗呢? 让人惊讶的是我们竟然在同一所高中就读,但是她是文科,我是理科 英文翻译 英语翻译 Y字开始mi字结尾的英文名 有木有/mi/这个英标的英文名?或者是较为简单的英文名也可以(女生) The Browns_______(not have)supper when I rang him.英文动词填空 It was lucky that she didn't leave home when I went to see her.( 保持句意)It was lucky that she didn't leave home when I went to see her.( 保持句意)_______ ,she wasn't out when I________ her. She is left a _____ saying that she has something to do.excusesentencenewsmessage She left a(an)____saying that she has something to do.A.messageB.letterC.sentencesD.excuse She finds that it is impossible to do sth和 She finds it impossible to do sth一样的是吗?我知道第一句是that引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不作成分那是不是可以省略?省略后不是比后一句多一个is吗?it是作宾语 对偶句、排比句的定义 对偶句和排比句的区别 Hello,Ben,____ you free tomorrow afternoon Yes,I __.__ you have any plans Yes ,I'm going to ___film .would you ___ to jion ___ Yes,I'd love to .___ and___ shall we meet __ two o'clock in front of my home .Good .see you then.你们一定要给我做 《大道之行也》的排比句和对偶句 she pulled him gently towards her. 这句话中的her能不能换成herself,为什么?谢谢! There was a knock at the door when we () () (have) supper (1)It was six.The Greens ____(have) sypper.(2)When you ____(knock) at the door yesterday,I ____(do)some washing. She always seems to be 求《进学解》中关于排比句、对偶句的赏析 they are from Beijing的同义词是什么? fat-ass翻译成中文是什么意思