
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 06:36:50
We must spend as much time as we can ______ English every day.A.speak B.speaks C.to speak D.spoken但是书上写的是spend+时间+doing sth或spend+时间+on sth So you must __ some time to exercise every day A save B spend C solve 有关英语单词中 单复数同形的问题有哪些是啊 英语单词警察的复数和单数读音一样吗?我听老师说是一样 我不大信 是不是我上课走神听错了? 英语翻译请高手帮我翻译下列英文!不要求很对,但要求很通顺!2.3 Porflet contahierA portlet container runs portlets and provides them with the required runtime environment.A portlet container manages the life cycle of the portlets Playing computer games too much ( )wasting a lot of time.( )里应填什么? i spend much time playing games.请问,playing games在句中是什么成分 As a student,you ____ spend so much time playing computer games,which isa waste of time.A.may not B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.won’t 热水瓶里的水放了几天冷掉了还可以喝吗那放在杯子里冷掉的总可以喝吧 Some kids spend a lot of time and money playing computer games把a lot of和playing换掉,改同义句急,讲理由 大学宿舍楼下打开水的设备,那个开水可以喝吗?是灌在热水瓶里的水. Spend time together.I of playing computer games or watching TV alone I首字母填空 为什么一杯开水一会儿就凉了,但把开水放在热水瓶里一两天还是热的呢? 往保温瓶里灌开水时,通过听声音就可以知道水是否装满了,为什么 求英文翻译‘’我们应该尊敬和爱我们的家人,请珍惜现在.‘’ 你还没开学吗?英语翻译 用英语怎么说:1让我们喝些凉水吧!2 你想参加什么俱乐部?3我们的摇滚乐队需要两个好的音乐家 4放学后,们打两个小时排球.5我最喜欢的科目是音乐,因为它让人放松.6它通常做30路公共汽车去 i will be very happy i have some time to do the things i like to do.中间填什么 Who do you think it is that he will have ______ the letter?A.to post B.posted C.post D.postin i will be very happy i have some time to do things i like to do. 下课了 同学们从教室里( )走出来 下课了,同学们像什么一样跑出了教室 下课了,同学们像什么一样马上冲了出课室?请各位朋友帮忙,在线等. 下课了,同学们在教室里玩,写写下课同学有的干什么,有的干什么,有的干什么(我是准备课前三分钟小故事,感激你们啦,在7点半前,我还要把它背出来呢!我是要演讲的 我要讲两分钟左右,大概20 下课了,同学们犹如( ) what will you do if you have a cold? 英语 作文 苏珊也想成为一位护士用英语怎么说 What will you do to have a good 苏珊英文怎么说 what will you have fun ___ ?(do) 我让苏珊做我的玩伴用英语怎么说 And what will you have to drink,sir?解释have to 在这里的用法