
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 21:50:00
介词填空题____ proposing the motion,Jane suggested that we should be proud of our history and respect the traditional role of women.A.With B.For C.In D.On我知道这个是上海牛津课本里的一句原文,我想问问为什么填in 急!求高手做几个介词填空题1.The most unlikely objects found their way -----------his design and look absolutely right where he placed them.2.It is believed that war is gone ------------- good and we will never see another one.3.This is an 大学英语6级难吗?有没什么好方法啊听力好难啊 总觉得太快了 特别是在听句子的时候 怎么才可以把句子听到咧 These books are ours .划线部分在ours,对划线部分提问 英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢 8,943,261英语翻译? 谁会解成语接龙?龙腾虎( )然纸( )天入( )久天( )命百( )岁平( )之若素每个括号里添一个字(添成后,前后四个字必须是四字成语)龙腾虎( )——( )然纸( )——( )天 解成语接龙 成语接龙谁能帮我解以下? 求解成语接龙 英语翻译We also tried to make our own cross word and but it proved to be difficult since he is a kid who to over with things quickly. 英语翻译Bobby and Jerry’s behavior has changed over the last few lessons behavior strategiesJerry confided in me that “he did not like going to his second English Class”.I have had to introduce behavior strategies again to help the boys to 考大学英语需要几级啊? 普通大学英语能考到几级呢? 如下图,一张光盘上刻有150M的文件(黑色部分),如果每平方厘米的储存量一样大空白区域(灰色部分)还可以可上多大的文件?白色部分的圆的直径是4CM,黑色部分的直径是8CM,灰色部分的直径是 求解出这两个成语接龙,1,言行不一————( )———— ( )————( ) —————— ( )2,悬崖勒马————()————()————()————() 同是翻译一句英语,百度翻译与谷歌翻译翻译的结果怎么这么大啊?例如:翻译“What's this in English? ”.百度翻译结果:“这个用英语怎么说?”谷歌翻译结果:“这是什么在英语吗?”……这是 成语接龙------------速度答1记忆犹新 2拍案叫绝3实心实意接龙——每组四个 There is ______ tea on the shelf. 空里填什么急!这是连线题,有:a packet of , a bar of, a loaf of 两个成语接龙和衷共济—( )—( )—( )—( )百发百中—( )—( )—( ) 英语翻译 成语接龙 化险为夷化险为夷开头,然后后边在接两个成语! 成语接龙,聪明的朋友帮忙答一下1、横七竖八—( )—( )—( )—( )—( )2、朝三暮四—( )—( )—( )—( )—( )3、四面楚歌—( )—( ●●●●成语接龙,答出追加分人_______,________空,空__________,__________人中间有逗号,看清楚!!!!!谢谢 请问第146题怎么理解 在显微镜下看“d”字母,视野中的像是____?为什么 三个不同的氨基酸与三种不同的氨基酸排列的区别如题;三个不同的氨基酸可以合成三肽的种类、以及三种不同的氨基酸数量足够时能合成的三肽的种类分别是( D )A.3、9 B.6、9 C.3 请帮忙回答下时态填空题.根据所给动词的适当形式填空.1.i ___ (walk) through the park when suddenly i heard a loud bang.2.he ___ (make) six films till now.3.her father___ (teach) him to speak three languages before her sixteenth b 酿类威啸西,长汀话是什么意思如题 谢谢了 奋斗在新明朝 求TXT 错别字少的 yyy00789@163.com 求人教版高中英语所有必修和选修的单词MP3资源!小弟感激不尽! 0.146和0.082和0.74用英语怎么说?