
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:02:06
no one ( ) to do.A.want B.wants C.wanting D.to want He ( )to go to Beijing tomorrow.A will want B wants C is wanting 选什么 为什么 求一篇作文 can we live in harmony with nature?字数120~150分数不是问题 关键要写的让我满意才行 超出我的预期可以加分 _____ seems important to us is ___ we should live in harmony with nature instead of destroying it.A.It ; thatB.What ; whatC.It ; whatD.What ; that为什么不选A选D,附理由, Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.意思是什么? liv in perfect harmony with nature I will go for a ride in a car. You look You look 什么叫基因文库,基因组文库,cDNA文库 He ____want to be a pilot in 10 years A.will want B.want C.wants D.is wanting 健康食品是health food还是healthy food 【语文】两道修改病句题,SO EASY····1,北京市将努力改善生态环境,保证了“绿色奥运”对北京环境质量的要求.2,不管气候条件和地理环境都极端不利,登山运动员仍然克服了困难,顺利攀登上 Two students take a car ____to school.请说明理由~~ 语文‘’‘’‘’补充句子(so easy)________的菊花 ________的莲花 ________的梅花 ________的荷花 ________的牡丹 ________的水仙花 ________的蒲公英 格式:XXXX(四个字的修辞手法)的XX花 例:清秀高雅的水仙 我通常坐车去上学 I usually take ----- ----- ------ a car to school.你知道这个故事是怎样结尾的吗?Do you ----- ------- this story ------- --------? 语文修辞、So 5.对下列句子运用的修辞方法理解有误的一项是A.一轮灿烂的满月,像一面光辉四射的银盘,从那平静的大海里浮出来。理解:这句话运用比喻的修辞方法,生动地写出了满月出 SO EASY在天空中闪烁的烟花,有的如————,有的如————,有的如————.令我目不暇接.写排比句 明天的会,你一定要参加.和明天的会,你能不参加吗?谁的语气更强烈?我本人觉得hgxf2008说的挺有道理的~不过其他的人大多都是选反问句也~ Are you OK?Are you___ ____?kuai kuai . are you go on working与go on to work区别这两个词组在用法、意思上有什么区别.如下两句如何填空:Mr.White _ throughout the night.After a short rest,the two boys _ on another problem. How are you?Are you OK?什么意思 you are everthing OK? i get d------ quickly and then go to work with cindy 怎么翻译:a lesson in healthy food many people got tired of live in the cities 改错 I can't chat with my grandmother any more because she ( )deafA.turns B.becomes C.goes D.grows 请帮我写出这几个词的同义词秀逸 洒脱 明澈 宠爱 蓬勃 幽寂 凄楚 淡泊 写出下列词同义词,首字母已给出endure (1)t (2)s (3)sbuyer (1)p (2)sclear (1)p (2)eenthusiastic (1)k (2)aencourage (1)mfrighten (1)sexcellent (1)e What about ( ) to give him a hand?A.go B.going C.to go D.goesSummer is ( ) June ( ) AugustA.between;and B.from;to C.from;and D.in;and What about____swimming every Sunday evening?A.go B.to go C.going D.goes