
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:42:09
5.He ___(learn)English for 5 years maybe you,should do IT by yourself 什么意思? shall we go out for a walk tonight?A.That a sounds great B.It must be funny C.You are right D.Have a nice time If we have to walk in the street ,I should walk on the outside.请问这句话是不是使用虚拟语气,有无错前半句的语态使用是否正确? 判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句,并指出复合句中的从句类型:1、Experiments show that cigarettes smoking can cause cancer.2、Besides the most serious and terrible disease-cancer,cigarette smoking also can cause o 我想学英语,可我什么都不懂,.请教学英语方法.我没有读书,在社会工作了. 宋金之间的战争对双方来说的性质有何不同 宋辽之间,宋夏之间,宋金之间“议和”的不同点是A结束了双方大规模的战争状态B客观上有利于双方和平相处C宋王朝都要交纳岁币D导致南北对峙正确答案是D,为什么?请勿必详细回答 He is cleverer than Tom.这个句子是简单句,还是并列句,还是复合句?请分析一下.我问过一些人,差不多说什么的多有:句中并无 and或or也无引导词 2.是并列句!more...than 整个应该是:He is cleverer than Tom I hope me have a good mark I hope have a good smail. 英语句型转换题目(变复合句)1.She ran too slowly to catch other people.2.He got up early in order to catch the bus.请问这两个句子如何变复合句? 英语句型转换(改为复合句)An ad can lead you to buy something.You don't need it at all.An ad can lead you to buy_____ _____you don't need at all. 英语句型题 (复合句与同义句)48至521至5 -The world's most remote distance is not life and death What is Of the worlds most remote distance Please tell me,what is of the worlds most remote distance? The man downstairs was trying to sleep.A、downstairs B、was C、trying to D、sleep It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle什么意思 谁是韩非子的著名思想家老师? 吐蕃与北宋的关系wsdrwear Person's life,the most painful thing is to seek not our own 如题 怎样评价1141年的宋金和议急呀,快点噢 对宋辽,宋夏,宋金和议的评价 neck and neck什么意思如题 OUR ENGLISH TEACHER IS POPULAR AMONG US BECAUSE WE LIKE THE WAY ____ HE GIVES HIS LESSONA.WHERE B.WHEN C.THAT D.WHICH "neck and neck"的意思是 Neck and neck be neck and neck Meredith Andrews唱的only to be yours中文歌词Undivided,strip everything else away,Burn the idols,the things in my life that have replaced You,I lay my life down here on Your alter,Empty my hands of all I've been holding backTake everything I hav 英语翻译原文:金银珠玉世人所甚贵及与凶年则不及菽粟何哉事有先后势有缓急也平时富贵之家求一珠玉犀象玩好器物至发粟出帛惟恐其不得将以充其室夸耀于人以自乐皆是也壬辰岁余在大 五年级寒假新时空p72答案 判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句:1、Neither has he changed his mind,nor will he do so.2、There is a chair in this room,isn't there?3、What he said at the meeting is very important,isn't it?4、Both Tom and Jack enjoy cou