
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 08:22:21
英语翻译please note that unless a satisfactory settlement is assured this time.we shall be compelled to suspend new business with you. 英语翻译把"学哥学姐"翻译为英语 Mother will give me a new bike as my birthday present同意句转换 A new bike ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me as my birthday present What does “it” in the first paragraph refer to?翻译句子 词语类型绿帽子算是哪类词语呢?俗语?双关语?还是其他还有没有类似的词汇呢? 教师的比喻教师好比春天的...教师好比夏天的...教师好比秋天的...教师好比冬天的...跪求诸如此结构的比喻句!上述结构中,怎么样的比喻更能突出教师的奉献精神? 什么比喻教师 形容大家一起动手人多手杂的成语 形容大家一起动手人多手杂:七()八() 孩子读小学数学成绩跟不上,在家自学可行吗? 小鸟抖动彩翼,来这里搭窝筑巢;松鼠有了美丽的家园,快活的叽叽直叫.这句话告诉我们什么? likes class because art John(.)(连词成句) 呐喊 彷徨 朝花夕拾!要3本书中每篇文章的简介!别把一大段贴上来,没用的东西都删掉我知道那是3本书,大家听清楚了,我要的是每本书中每篇文章的简介 从上海到北京在法语中怎么说?partir beijing pour Shanghai 《朝花夕拾》《家》《呐喊》《彷徨》中,哪个不是鲁迅的作品? java 循环语句猜1000内的整数我做的这个东西 不管怎么样 输入两次就自动默认你猜对了,怎么循环a=prompt("请输入一个小于1000的整数","");b=Math.floor(Math.random()*(1000-0+1))if(a>b)alert("你所输入的数字 关“语言”的成语10个 也可以100~1000个 《朝花夕拾》里初中课文有那些选课求大神帮助 朝花夕拾中学过哪些文章初二上学期以前的,还没学过 藤野先生 七下,八上学过《朝花夕拾》里的什么课文 形容一句成语就是自己以前做过很多让人不相信的事情,然后现在每天都在努力做事来弥补,结果做再多的事情做再大的努力都没人相信了! 写出带有“舌”的成语 形容惊诧无言( ) 形容随声附和( ) 形容人多嘴杂( ) 形容不善言辞( ) Jim visited his sister last saturday=Jim ( ) to ( )his sister last saturday my sister rowed a boat last Saturday.对划线部分提问.划线部分为 last Saturday Even next second we didn't meet,on one second we will meet怎么回 淡淡的祝福用英语怎么说 Alice,together with two boys,__for having broken the rule.A.was punishedB.punishedC.were punishedD.being punishedA 求原因还有其他为什么错了-.-thanks~ Alice,together with tow boys ,_____for having broken the rule,A was punished B punished C were punished D being punishedFreezing rain hit many parts of the region on Sunday,______ icy situations on the Roads,Aleading to B sticking to Cturning to Dref piay chess Alice together with her two ,______to Beijing for a holiday.A.are going B.have gone C.gone D.is going望好心人能顺便说明解题原因, We can hardly imagine the difficulty the kid had ( ) his sick parents. 用support的形式填请写出详细过程 chess piay chess又是什么意思