
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:02:07
the man is my father 的问句 the man in blue is this father.划线部分 in blue A valid email address is required. This e-mail address is unavailable什么意思 Can not find web address.Verify that this web addrss is valid 什么意思啊 威尼斯商人的主要内容不要超过30字的, This Apple ID is only valid for pur chases in the Hong Kong iTunes 网购弊大于利辩论赛 有知道这个字怎么读吗?字典没查到病字偏旁,里面是一个串.知道的说下.要拼音读法和五笔输入. 没有阳光,水和空气就没有生命.用英语怎么说?There is______________________,water or air 不要说黑夜没有阳光,它正在地球的另一面.翻译成英文 1.He is tidying his room.(变否定句) 2.She is dan cing.(变一般疑问句)3.They are playing footbll.(变一般疑问句)4.Are you drinking?(否定回答)5.Is he doing homework?(肯定回答) She cleans her room twice a day.的否定句和一般疑问句是什么 洗车液技术、洗车液配方、洗车液的配方、? ? ? ? 洗车液是什么物质 高中英语一题 American people appreciate _______when you wishi to pay a visit to themA\your calling beforehand B\ that you call beforehand请解释为何.难道只有appreciate sth ,没有appreciate that...还是 beforehand They appreciate that you call beforehand when you wish to visit them中appreciate用从句错在哪 我想考计算机3级(数据库),不知道用什么书?大家帮忙推荐基本好吗? “喆”字怎么念?意思? "喆" 读什么什么时候才能找个老婆~ 贠字怎么读,为什么字典上没有这个字 turn on the television or open a magazine and you ___asd showing happy familieswill often see ; are often seeing为什么 Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ____ advertisements showing happy families .A.will often see B.often see C.are often seeing D.have often seen 选A还是B 29.Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ____ advertisements showing happy families .A.will often see B.often seeC.are often seeing D.have often seen为什么选A,请详解,并翻译这句话, 苏州是中国最漂亮的城市之一. 用英文句子怎么表示? 1.She has beautiful short and curly hair.(改为否定句)  She ________ ________ beautiful short and curly hair.  2.My mother never stops to have a rest.(改为一般疑问句)  _______ your mother never _______ to have a rest?  3.I 苏州是中国最美丽的城市之一翻译;像平常一样,今天早晨妈妈六点半把我叫醒了 she has curly and blonde hair 上一句 辩论赛 电视征婚利大于弊 针对这个题目该从哪几点下手?立论该怎么立?辩论赛 电视征婚利大于弊 针对这个题目该从哪几点下手?立论该怎么立? 辩论会.电视征婚利大于弊的几个主攻问题就是开辩论会,我是正方,也就是电视征婚利大于弊.出几个问题难为对方.比如,要是电视征婚弊大于利,那怎么会有呢么多人走向了婚姻殿堂. 辩论赛电视征婚利大于弊的犀利辩词 一篇英语作文,Bill's Day