
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 20:49:34
They need some red hats(对some red hats 提问) ____ ____ they____? There need some pumpkins﹝对some pumpkins提问﹞ 座右铭 在哪里跌倒就要从哪里爬起来的意思 they need some red hats ( 对some red hats 提问) 在哪跌倒 就在哪里爬起来 (1)I need some salad.对salad提问 ( ) ( ) ( )do you need?(2)They sell some vegetables.(2)They sell some vegetables.对 some vegetables 提问.( ) ( )they sell? 并说明原因when the teacher came into the classroom ,the students stopped talking and laughing and pretended______ their lessons.A to do B doing C to doing D to be doing 1题.说明理由 好好去.快 请说明原因甲筐鸡蛋与乙筐鸡蛋相等,如果乙分给甲8个鸡蛋,甲相当于乙的3分之2,甲、乙各有多少个鸡蛋? 在英语中,复数加s以及动词变化加s时的读音变化有什么规律?请写的详细一点! Because of you,I need do my best to my study So I must give up some happies to work!这句话怎么翻译呢? We need more () in our office because there's too moch work to do this month.要填的单词是以“s“开头的. You need to work hard at English because it's a useful ().I want to make a friend from an English speaking (),这两个题目的空格怎么填? I need some v___to help me with the work?求填空.符号打错了,是句号 不是问号 英语翻译那快乐和美丽呢 英语翻译1.这本字典多少钱?2.你的包是什么颜色的?3.她的新毛衣看起来很漂亮 4.这件黄色的毛衣太大了,我想买那件蓝色的.5.你想要什么颜色的鞋?6.我想要一件上学穿的毛衣 7.两美元一双,三美 英语翻译What's the real meaning of the word"peace"?The following story may tell us something about it.There was once a king who coffered an award to an artist who could paint the best picture of peace.Many artists tried.The king looked at all the 英语翻译知识改变命运,我认为读书能让我们增长知识,开阔眼界,明白事理,增强能力. 英语翻译①我已经决定坐飞机去夏威夷.②四年前我开始学习英语.③长劲鹿的身高是我们的两倍.④笑话书 英语翻译在一个下雨的晚上 在一个后玻璃瓶中装入少量的水 然后用塞子将瓶口封好 we'd like three bowls of noodles with tomatoes _.in them on themon it ,in it.为什么? He ate three bowls of rice for his lunch.对 three bowls of 提问 There____three bowls of rice.不可数名词用"there is",那如果不可数名词加了量词,用"there is"还是"there are"? 英语翻译准确无误最好整首歌 英语翻译:迄今为止他所做的还不能弥补由于他的错误设计而造成的损失(make) 英语翻译If I could take this moment forever Turn the pages of my mind To another place and time We would never say goodbye If I could find the words I would speak them Then I wouldn't be tongue tied Will I look them to your eyes We would never sa 英语翻译是比较老的一首歌.邦乔威的.As I sit in this smokey roomThe night about to endI pass my time with strangersBut this bottle's my only friendRemember when we used to parkOn Butler Street out in the darkRemember when we lost the ke 英语翻译“这两本书看得真过瘾,爽死了!” 翻译英文:让生活更精彩(口语) 翻译一些生活英语,口语话一些.1.收拾书包 2.把手机充上电,免得明天出麻烦. 3.那个垫子应该横着摆,不是顺着摆的. 4.你也不怎么样嘛. 5.你经常骑车?偶尔会吧. 6.这是我冲的果汁. 7.谁放屁了? 8 英语翻译poof是名词?不明白在句子中的用法和意义