
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 11:41:25
有这一种现象,就是突然感觉某一件事曾经发生过,谁能给我解释一下这是什么原因我问了很多人,他们都有这种现象,这是什么原因? 怎么为英语四级做准备,想十二月份考四级,怎么提高自己的英语六月份考了一次,很失败,差了一百分,我这次很想把四级给过了,谁能给我点经验,我该怎么去做准备,去年什么都没看过,玩了一学 十二月份就要考四级,我该怎么准备?我的英语水平很一般,做题一般靠语感.而且我觉得英语四级单词很难掌握,做阅读时好多生词都不懂,听力也不怎么好.希望你们可以帮助到我,给我一些建议. 英文作文:爸爸的房间 my calculator is__more expensivethan yoursmy calculator is___more expensivethan yoursA fairly B very C quite D much My MP4 is more cheap than yours I always read the books in the library是什麽意思 The (much) you study,the (much) you'll know不要跑!most ( ) 大多数短文填空Lucy and Mike are h_1__ their lunch in a restaurant.Lucy's car and Mike's car are o_2__ the restaurant in the car park.Mike is looking through the window at the cars a The ( ) friends you have ,the( ) you will you be A more; happy B many;happy C more ;happier D many D答案是many; happier 着急用 The__ (much) you study,the__(much)your 说明一下理由 请解释一下原因 这话是谁说的啊The more I know you,the more I love you我知道意思啊~但这话出自哪? ____ these stories ,we know more about love.a.from b.on c.to d.with选哪个?为什么 the more you love,the deep you will 想知道这句英文的具体意思.希望懂英语的帮忙翻译下. Watching English movies made me ____ English.A.interested to learn B.interest in learning C.interested in learning D.interesting in Which do you perfer,watching DVDs or seeing movies in the cinema?英语作文最好明天就有不是perfer,是prefer 趴在玻璃上的苍蝇 苍蝇为什么喜欢趴在玻璃上? more expensive的中文 他喜欢打网球用英语怎么做 他去年非常喜欢打网球的英文 下个星期天用英语怎么说! 下个星期天去聚会 英语怎么说下个星期天去 三姨夫家或三姨家 聚会用英语怎么说? read books during the 填冠词 ____harder we study,_____more we learn. the more you listen ,the harder you learn 急用 LEARN MORE STUDY LESS怎么样 昼夜更替长短变化的原因及规律 have you ever seen this film 这句中的ever 是否可以去掉? 由于地球自转而产生的是1.昼夜现象2.季节变化3.昼夜更替4.昼夜长短变化 “What are you going to be in the future”是什么意思