
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 19:19:55
在三角形ABC中,abc分别是角ABC的对边,设a+c=2b,A-C=3|π,求sinB的值 那个……谁能给我写5道政治类的选择题,4个选项的,英文的,英语国家的,比较常识的. 求10道英语历史选择题如题,注明答案,国家不限 谁可以赶快提供几个关于历史的选择题(英语的)?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 求助一题英语选择题(关于法国历史)What happened to the King of France in 1789 ?A.He sailed to America.B.He lost his head.C.He defeated the British.个人分析,A,根本没这回事,B,1789年正是法国大革命,但是B选项的意 将一块生锈的铁块至于稀硝酸中,反应结束后收集到1.21L NO气体(标准状况),溶液中还剩3g单质铁.取出后,想溶液中同于10.65g Cl2 ,恰好使溶液中的Fe2+全部被氧化(假设Cl只与Fe2+反映).求生锈的 蓝笔改的讲解〜〜〜 地理选择题抄错了好担心! 7.已知三角形ABC的三边a>b>c且a+c=2b,A—C=90°,求a:b:c8.在三角形ABC中,若(a+b+c)(a—b+c)=3ac,且tanA+tanC=3+根号3,AB边上的高为4根号3,求角A,B,C的大小与a,b,c的长 蓝色的笔写的,请详解 第三单元的将由a mol NaHCO3和b mol NaOH组成的固体混合物放在密闭容器中加热到250℃,经充分反应后,排出气体,冷却后,称量残留固体的质量为Wg,试计算W的值可能为①84a+40b ②53a+40b ③66a+40b ④5 高一地理几道选择题错的求详解 1、1519~1522年,首次实现了人类环绕地球一周的航行,证实了地球是一个球体.A、哥白尼 B、哥仑布 C、麦哲伦 D、魏格纳2.如果一人以每天40千米速度沿赤道行走一圈,估计所需的时间约为:( )A、 在△ABC中,∠C=90°a,b,c,分别是∠A∠B∠C所对的边,且2b=a+c求角A的正弦值. 在△ABC中,∠A,∠B,∠C的对边分别是a,b,c,∠C=90°,且c的平方=2b的平方,则这三角形有一个锐角为A、15° B、30° C、45° D、75° 在△ABC中,∠A、∠B ,∠C的对边分别是a,b,c,且c+a=2b,c-a=1/2,则△ABC的形状是 1.Anna was reading a piece of science fiction,completely _____ to the outside world.A.having been lost be lost C.losing D.lost2._____ what to do with the urgent business,he stayed awake all night.A.Leaving wondering B.Being left wondering C.Bein -Hi,Peter,how are you?-Sorry,I am Jack.You_____our twin brothers.A.were mixing upB.mixed upC.havemixed upD.mix up 已知a,b,c是△ABC三边的长,且满足a^2+2b^2+c^2-2b(a+c)=o,试判断此三角形的形状 She was the first in our class ___the mold:instead of getting a job in education,She decided to become an accountant.A to break B breaking C broke D broken 常温下将甲烷与氧气的混合气体57毫升点燃充分燃烧后恢复原来状态,剩余气体为23毫升,试计算混合气体的体积各是多少. 1.我们的身体每天都要摄入2500毫升水.从食物中获取的水占48%,其余都要靠饮水获得.人体每天靠饮水获得的水是多少毫升 2.某商场上个月的营业额为30万元,这个月的营业额上升了6%,这个月的营 1 The fovernment official was accused of ( ) his position as Mayor to give Jobs to his relatives and friends .A abusing B raising C desiring D condemning 2 I wonder why you won’t do it as ( ) and it’s the third time you ( ) do.A I told you ;do B those kind people gave the boy something to eat ,he would save it up for his little sister 问号处为什么可以写whenever不可以写whatever? 高中化学人教版教科书必修2练习题答案 整本书啊.谢谢了; .急啊! 将人教版高中化学必修一第三、四章中属于离子反应的化学方程式改写成离子方程式 We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it ______ very well.A.worked out B.went out C.carried on求各选项的详细讲解 Taiwan-born filmmaker Ang Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards,_____ the highest honor in American movie considerD.consider After the talk they declared themselves ___.A.satisfied B.satisfy C.satisfying be satisfying Please give the toy to ____ likes it.A.whomever B.anyone C.somebody D.whoever为何不选B? the police finally found the robber lying near the river,____.A.dead B.died这里答案是什么 是不是两个都可以 能不能说下原因! 高中化学必修一……求答案……