
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:16:10
1.A____ ,we have read the great book before 2.They are readingthe second c____ of the magezine3.The raining weather is so u______ for example与such as有什么区别 A____ ,we have read the great book before They are readingthe second c____ of the magezineThe raining weather is so u______ for example 和such as的区别 for example与such as的区别 糖果粉碎传奇怎么获得道具刚才浏览了大家的问题有玩到36关需要Facebook的,为毛我的没有,是山寨的吗?道具怎么获得吖,一点就说连接失败,是因为我版本问题吗……话说97关怎么过啊,怎么都达 糖果粉碎传奇第35关过了后,怎么到36关?不要申请FACE BOOK帐户的 想象力很丰富的人适合做什么工作? 有丰富的想象力适合做什么样的职业?小红有很丰富的想象力,尤其是空间想象力.小红特长表演,写作,演讲.请问她适合做什么样的工作? 想象力比较丰富的女孩适合什么职业? But then he takes them off and gives them( )to the shopkeeper.A.back B.then C.in D.towards He asks for some trousers and puts them on,but then he takes them off and gives them back to the ,shopkeeper and says,"No,give me a coat."The woman gives him a coat and says,"This one costs the same as the trousers you must finish (read) this book in three days.read 用什么形式填写?为什么? The teacher marked the student's papers and then gave them _______to the students 填什么说明 理由 He took pity on the people in the folded areas and gave away his clothes and quilts to them.Please translate can you read this book?的中文意思是什么?我是英语初学者,请问大家can you read this book?这句话的意思是“你能读懂这本书吗?”,还是“你能读一下这本书吗?” 帮忙取个英文名,性格开朗.姓F开头,名字结尾J字开头. Look into the Sun 歌词 such as 和 for example 的用法与区分我总是搞不清楚...有请高人指名道姓 be busy with和be busy at 的区别快,急 be busy with与be busy doingD的区别 Aren't you a student?1)A Yes,i'm not.2)No,i'm 3)NO,i'm not 4)No,i don't 怎样回答 为什么 Are you John?Yes,I'am.错在哪里急 明天就要交! 想象力好的人进.有三棵树占据了地球.【创意绘画素材】你想到什么.是实物.呃、比如说宇宙啦.这是从地球来想的.那从树又想到什么呢?【可从颜色、形态……】这些东西必须能画嘚= =``其实 人的想象力有多强大 英语水平高,想象力又好的人进请翻译一首歌的歌名,名字叫ever free. 人没想象力会怎样就是这样了.尽量说的 深奥点我没分给 希望 选择,重要的是解释为什么She _____that she _____ her best to help them the next term.A.says…will do B.said…will do C.said… would do D.says…would do The she often tried her best to m( ) them happy.She told me that she would like to l( ) to her(上接)friend.首字母填空哦! 用be good with造句 用be good with的句式造句. 谢谢! 用be good with造句.3个