
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:34:24
急求英语题翻译(一) 跨文化方面的 请尽快 谢谢1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are .( )A. new technology and information system B. changes in t 英语翻译(1) ( ) Cultural generalizations must be viewed not as approximations (接近)of reality,but as absolute representations.(2) ( ) Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers.(3) ( ) Our re wei gan的拼音?不会 请问拼音是gan'mao,但不是感冒的词是什么? gan mi 根据拼音说一下这个词,意思和甘露相近!急 一次函数y=(m2-4)+(1-m)和y=(m-1)x+m2-3的图像与y轴分别交于点P和点Q,若P点和Q点关于x轴对称,求m的值.以上是一道初二一次函数的题,本人脑袋瓜不太聪明,(以上的m2是指m的平方)! I.can.do.this怎么翻译 请问its的名词性物主代词是什么啊?到底有没有,怎么书里没有写啊?如果没有我怎么表达呢? 翻译How can we do this? Anyone who can do this translation?Lucie,a student from the United States,has just arrived at Charles de Gaulle in Paris,the airport that greets a million visitors to Paris each year.Paris.Finally,It's always been a dream of Lucie's:to live in the ci because i have no friends and relations in London ,i don’t know----{我该向谁求助}〔turn〕Because i have no friends and relations in London ,i don’t know----{我该向谁求助}〔turn〕这是一个完成句子的 绩效考核用英文怎么说 绩效执行、绩效考核用英文怎么说 用一下短语造句:1.commit to memory;2.act out;3.can not help,各造两句, 一个人的知识越多越好用can not too 如何造句 运用三角函数知识解释,为什么e=a/c越大,椭圆越扁?e=a/c越大,椭圆越圆? 椭圆难题!圆锥曲线及三角函数高手进!已知椭圆 C:x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2=1 (a>b>0).P为椭圆上一点,F1 F2为椭圆两焦点,角PF1F2=A 角PF2F1=B,且 1/3 < tan (A/2) * tan (B/2) < 1/2,求椭圆离心率的范围.e不是tan(A/2)tan(B/2) 椭圆与三角函数的结合今天在期末考试英语中,无聊之下推了一下椭圆与三角函数,如下 ,x²/a²+y²/b²=1,又∵sin²m+cos²m=1,可设 x²/a²=sin²m,y²/b²=cos²m,x²=a& y=x`2+x+1/x`2+1的值域 the diagram shows a rectangle ABCD where A is (3,2) and B is (1,6)(I)Find the quation of BC(ii)Given that the equation of ACis y=x-1,find the coordinates of C(iii)the perimeterof the rectangle ABCD Can you tell me ___Mr.LI is here?Sorry,he isn't here.If the ___,I'll call you.A whether returnedB if returns第二个空明白,第一个为啥不能用whether 英语问题、、关于关系副词、、Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born.Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer?His father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born.He can’t find the place (that / where / 关于英语副词修饰关系的问题.副词不能修饰主语和宾语,那么为什么副词可以修饰名词呢?比如解释下这个句子:Even a child can do it.其中,even是修饰a child,即副词修饰名词.可是,在这个句子中a chi he的形容词性物主代词是什么?是不是him? he的形容词性物主代词是? 如果一个多边形的最小的一个内角为120度,比他稍大的一个内角是125度,以后每一个内角依次比前一个内角多5度,且所有内角和与最大内角的度数之比为63:8,求这个多边形的度数` he形容词性物主代词?he形容词性物主代词是什么?有谁知道吗? he的形容词物主代词 以知集合A={s|s=t^2-1,t属于R},B={(t,s)|s=t^2-1,t属于R},则A交B=?注意是A交B he的形容词性物主代词 All the Money in the World 歌词 He is too tired to walk on . 这句话的反意疑问句应该怎么变?