
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:06:18
塑胶行业中水口是什么意思? 塑胶模具设计中大水口,细水口是什么意思? 印刷机几开几色什么意思 国产印刷机和海德堡印刷机的区别?我要印600本100页A4的全彩书 目前有两家印刷厂 国产4色4开机器 和 海德堡六色对开机器 我的图像质量不是很好 大部分达不到300DPI的要求 有的甚至低到72DPI be on holiday 的on怎么讲 “be on a camping holiday”的中文意思是什么? 用be on holiday造句分别造出五个时态的句子:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,现在完成时. be on holiday(翻译成中文) be on holiday 翻译 When you are lonely,please recall me and the day that we stayed with each other. 帮忙翻译一下 Can you rephrase that please翻译一下在线 铝合金门窗厚度 That is Sonia’s pencil.怎么变成一般疑问句 雅思口语中需要礼貌性的问考官的名字吗?看到一个文章讲口语技巧的,说要注重礼节,需要进门的时候问:how do you like me to address you please?这个允许吗?还是多余的? 上帝与你同在是什么意思请问这是什么意思“上帝与你同在”,我看很多西方的电影都有这句话 上帝与你同在 英文! Alice, we are going to spend our holiday on Canada, if you ___, we can go to china instead. a. hope 高端铝合金门窗价格多少钱每平方 世界著名的古代建筑 如何幸福的生活是一个大问题.how to life happiness is a big problem.翻译的对吗?不对怎么改. pollution isn't a big problem now,is it 怎么翻译 ---I think it is going to be a big problem-yes,it could be.-I wonder ( )we can do about it.答案是what还是how 世界有哪些被毁灭的建筑或名胜古迹,像古巴比伦空中花园或北京圆明园之类的,要有名点的哈 We've agreed ______Spain for our holiday next year.(A) to (B) on (C) for (D) with我想,这句话的意思是我们要去Spain,所以是to Spain.这样想为什么不对? 8. We decided to___our holiday until next month because we are too busy this monthA. inviteB. passC. delayD. check we'll go to paris for our holiday...为什么选provided不选so far asWe'llgo to Paris for our holiday,___ it isn't too expensive. A.except B.provided C.so far as D.unless选B我每个选项都不是很懂.意思也不清楚特别是c项.大家麻 on a holiday和have a holiday的区别 1.we decided to go to Paris for our vacation 同义句 2.他计划明年拍一部电影(用英文) 哈萨克斯坦与新疆近吗 your clothes need ___(washed; to be washed ; to wash; being washed) These are their clothes.(同义句转换) you()wash these clothes because they are clean.A.needn't to B.don't need to