
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:53:22
English,five,are,cars,they造成一个陈述句,请说明中文. travelling in our city 根据题意写单词Unluckily,those people were______(kept in a place and could not leave) in the accid根据题意写单词1、Unluckily,those people were______(kept in a place and could not leave) in the accident.改写句子1、When did the m 李阳疯狂英语口语突破之突破语法 高分 把我所有得分都分给你 但要给我连文本和mp3或mp4地址弄好 悬赏10000李阳疯狂英语口语突破之突破语法 麻烦大家帮我在网上查找整理一下 自己也可以 It is important for us to eat our meal regularly each day.的翻译 过着牛马不如的生活:Live a d____'s life(d开头的为动物名称 live a 请问what impact dose this have on businesses operating within and between provinces?加拿大宪法结构和英国的有本质的区别,是因为它是由联邦政府和十个省政府组成的,并且各自有权执行他们拥有的司法权裁判 impact是褒义贬义?可以说good impact或bad impact么? Let's babysit our little cousin at home.(改为同义句) 用"be famous for"做句急用 用be famous for和be famous as分别造两个句子.要中文! see you in 读音moonlight shadow 中有一句 see you in heaven ,我听着 都读成 see you lin heaven 百思不得其解啊,C 游 林 heaven 这个 林 的 l音从哪来的呢?可是听着确实 读的 lin....迷惑.. 以"be famous for"和"in advance"分别造1个句! 发音 维拉see be important 在这个句子里The concept of capital maintenance is improtant for the measurement of profit. be sorry for 造2句for后面加动原还是doing? 用be ready for造个句 CAN'T HELP FAILING IN LOVE WITH YOU... 英语翻译翻译 1 On the battle rest the fate of our nation.Let every man do his utmost.2.Men and wemen hurried by in long,shifting lines.3.But there had been too much publicity about my case.4.If this was s time of triumph for the many,it was s p 英语翻译the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories谢谢catastrophe在这里怎么翻译呢 —Could you please repeat your question?—Sure!But I don't think you ( )attention.A:pay—Could you please repeat your question?—Sure!But I don't think you ( )attention.A:pay B:are paying C:have paid D:were paying (3)设有如下变量声明语句:Dim a, b As Boolean则下面叙述中正确的是A)a和b都是布尔型变量 B)a是变体型变量,b是布尔型变量C)a是整型变量,b是布尔型变量 D)a和b都是变体型变 台湾人承认自己是炎黄子孙吗?对两岸问题怎么看? Brain Schmidt的中文翻译成什么? 英语翻译1.The default baud rate of the data link is 38.4kBaud with 8 data bits,one stop bit and no parity.No handshaking is used.2.The data interface conforms to IEC 61162-1.3.VDM,VDO,RMC,ACA,ACS,ALR,TXT and ACK messages conform to NMEA 0183.Plea so very quite如何使用 I'm almost 20 years old 请问almost是副词,在这句话中到底修饰的是什么?不应该是名词吧 I‘m almost done studying:这不应该用被动式,是不是这个句子写错了,完成式都是have +过去分词,怎会be+过去分词 怎么上facebook或者youtube My English is so bad that I'm almost mad in it.改错 i could beat you at chess _____ day of the week.为什么填some不填any