
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:59:09
ACCA同志们,F8考官文章去哪儿看啊,求具体步骤 请问control procedure 和test of control 是同一回事吗?一般题中出现的audit procedure 就是substantive procedure吗?另外,以对purchase的审计为例,分别举例说明.还有什么叫报表层的重要性水平,什么又是认定层 有人说:任何不正义的战争都会失败,但是欧洲人野蛮的把印第安人的乐园,建设成如今的美国,是正义的吗? 关于acca 考官文章那个考官文章是在官网的哪里?点了Qualification后----应该选Examiner's report; Examiner's guidance 还是Technical articals? acca f8 Qestionthe directors of Hood Enterprises have prepared a cash flow forecast for submission to the bank.They have asked you as the auditor to provide a negative assurance report to this forecast .Required:Briefly explain the difference between ACCA F8 我是口吃患者,读什么文章呢.一定是文章啊 为什么我说普通话和英语时会口吃而讲方言很流畅,有时讲话会胸闷? 我有口吃但现在我的孩子3周了也有口吃现象,口吃遗传吗?怎么治. 口吃了,怎么办 求解答. 小的时候有口吃的经历,后来矫正好了.最近有开始口吃了,而且很严重.患者信息:男 22岁 上海 静安区 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):最近出现了些事情,心情极差, ACCA申请中Your qualification 下面三个问题怎么选择,是什么意思?Is your lowest level qualification shown above? YesNoIs the qualification shown suitable for registration to the ACCA Qualification? YesNoDo you hold or are working the ACCA Qualification 和a Foundations in Accountancy qualification是什么意 Chinese kung fu和kung fu有什么不一样 美国宪法现在是否还承认奴隶制,而且不承认妇女,黑人和印第安人具有和白人男子相等的权利? 印第安人是白人还是黑人? 印第安人是属于黑人一类吗? 印第安人是红人还是黑人? Do you like eating sandwiches with tomatoes 为什么 三明治和西红柿 是复数 要10个或10个有3个音节或3个音节以上的英文单词..并画好音节 注:要画好音节! 跟“p”读音一样的单词有? lt is a good season to go swimming. 同义句转换lt is a good season ___ ____ swimming the scientists were waiting to see the problem _____.为什么不是to settle(主动表被动解决问题) 而是settled(See不是只能加do或者doing吗?) 英式英语中ɑ和ʌ,ɑ:n和ŋ,e和æ,tʃ和tr.发音分别有什么区别?另外问一下类似于star这种应该发[stɑ:]还是[sdɑ:],为什么一般人都习惯读[sdɑ:].[dz]应该发什么音?比如Kids 英语作文lt is good to have a penfriends request.getRequestDispatcher("/validate6.action").forward(request,response);这句话为什么返回不了到action? 几道英语问题,因为快要考试了,10 -----Do you know where John went ,Sonia?-----He _______went skating with his friendA probably B may be C can D may1.— where _______ —I have been looking for you everywhereA have you gone B have you been how do you feel befor exams?—I often get( )A.tiredB.happyC.stressed outD.more interested JQ插件中的this指向问题(function($){$.fn.slide=function(options){$.fn.slide.deflunt={effect :"fade",//效果 || fade:渐显; || top:上滚动;|| left:左滚动;|| topLoop:上循环滚动;|| leftLoop:左循环滚动;|| topMa 八年级英语上册47课翻译 麻烦 我很急 在线等 谢谢了.英语47课课文 The biggest zoo is c---- to home.Let's go there. 动名词做状语和主句连在一起的和加逗号的有什么区别例如Tom is sitting by the river fishing.Tom is going though the window,talking about this. She g a nice toy from her friend根据首字母写出单词完成句子