
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:06:58
if some if any if ever if never 都存在吗 他们意思是什么?if some 好像是如果没有 if any 好像是如果有 if ever 好像是如果有也不多 帮下忙 想报雅思,有能推荐的机构吗?最还是考过雅思的朋友能推荐下, with exception of 和 except for 的区别 All the Canadian provinces,___Quebec,have restricted the sale of alcohol in addition to,along with...,except for,它们的意思都是除...以外(还),应该怎样区别? fantastic怎么读 gives,pandas,fantastic怎么读 fantastic音标后面为什么不读音标是[fæn'tæstik]后边的[i]和[k]为什么不读? 动词填空, 动词填空, “if any”“if ever”“if if解释为“是否”时some要不要改成any 请解释一下except,except for 和beside 的用法(举例说明)多谢 except beside unless用法还有,如果知道临近原则、相加原则、就远原则的连词之类的也告诉我吧.不懂的不要瞎说好不? except beside 区别用法?. except,except for,beside 区别?错了~是 besides except和except for在用法上该怎样区别? A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird,这话语法正确吗?对还不对?A IS TO B WHAT C IS TO D是什么? ---What's this ____ in English.----The Bird Nest.A.to B.in C.on Faith is to men what a lighthouse is to trip.为什么用what , 英语决不是怎么写 不要那样做的英语怎么写 英语翻译We need 100 copies of a 14pps presentation printed A4 landscape in colour one sided.We need them wiro-bound with a white backing board and acetate on front这是客户想要印刷的内容, 请帮帮翻译客户的包装要求:Each piece with woven brand label and paper sew-in care label. Each piece is to be folded and attached to printed 300gm gloss header card and supplementary swinger indicating available designs by product.Number come We' ll have hour picnic in the people's park.You know where that is.这句中的that为什么不改为is? with和 have有什么区别?两个词都是“有”的意思啊! 英语编辑改行做什么、做了3年的英语编辑了,感觉没什么前途了,想改行,还做英语方面的工作.不知道有什么比较合适的呢? 英语笔译转行做什么好?本人女,大学学的是工科,毕业后在翻译公司做了三年专职英语笔译,现在觉得笔译太累,没有什么大的发展,想转行,不知道现在有什么职位适合我做的,本人性格偏外向,但 几句英翻中1.Until the world war brought chaos to most of their institutions,their whole lives were regulated,perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards,by a regard for precedent.2.The reactionary strength thus developed,howev 英翻中,就一句短句It will more often than not be a case of lasting relationship.希望除翻译外帮我分析一下那个more than not,这个我老是搞不清,谢谢哈~ 黄冈小状元六年级上册数学40页第六题答案(人教版)怎么做?(最好还有解题过程)!爷爷用10米长的席子围成一个底面是圆形的粮囤,相接处占去0.58米。这个粮囤占地面积有多大? they are listening to a -----in the parkc 开头