
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:45:50
I would like to talk about a love never broke up .就这样了~网站翻译的就算了. Is there any water in this kettle与Is there any water in the kettle 两句话有什么分别?后一句有错吗?如果没错的话this与the 分别有什么作用? Is there any water in the kettle?的中文 英文名,意境清新可爱的女生英文名 What is the weatherlike this summer here?---There _very little rain.A has Bhas been Care Dfalls 感叹句中what与hao的用法有什么不同 英语翻译请翻译:I don't have to be nice to people who are causing great damage to the nation... why did the writer complain to the people behind him谁知道全文,求全文翻译 谁帮我翻译下‘Maybe god wants you to meet a few wrong people be fore me’这句话的意思 how do people great fill in the blanks with proper from of be supposed to . 可以帮我估下四级分吗?我听力选择题部分错了10个左右,单词对了4了,句子对了一个,快速...可以帮我估下四级分吗?我听力选择题部分错了10个左右,单词对了4了,句子对了一个,快速阅读错了4个, 英语翻译例如:GUNDAM,ZAFT,PLANT,OMNI,FAITH,DRAGOON等等 英语翻译除了中文翻译以外,请用英文写 生活永远只有微笑的英文怎么写[生活永远只有微笑]的英文怎么写? 含有长元音【u:】和【e:】的单词各五个,急用! a,e,i,o,u 和结尾的y是元音、、、、、是不是一个单词里含有a,e,i,o,u其中一个并以y结尾呢? Have you been to the Space Museum?If yes,when did you go last time? when did you take the medicine last 妈妈的头发白了,把什么给我 音标元音 i:i o:o e:e u:u a:e 这些元音类型的单词 每个要4个 先等 这些元音类型的单词每个要4个 还要中文 本人现在等 19th century 和1990s分别是什么意思如题 when did you see the doctor the last time?请回答 in the early part of the 19th century 和 at the beginning of the 19th century 的区别. 英语1892年是18th还是19th century 怎么读呢 He was a fomous artist in _____. A the 19th Century B the 19 Century C 19 Century play at the They play at the park on s_____ afternoon.(首字母填空) play. ususlly. in. on sundays. football. the i park. 怎么连成一句话我们班的英语作业有一道这种题目,我不会,请你们帮我一下,谢谢! only的倒装的用法(尤其是时态如何变化)? What does your girfriend look like?的中文翻译 元音a开头单词,如何判断a发什么音?如academic为什么第一个音节a读‘安’而不读“而”还有类似的一些情况和其他元音字母开头的 速求单元音双元音共20个元音每个原因求单词11个,顺便标出哪个部位发这个音我会非常感谢.