
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 19:10:26
There will be robots____(work) in factory in the future.怎样填? it is the hardest time we have ever had.During that time,we ate almost everything_____A to live onB living onC to be lived onD being lived 将4名教师分派到3所中学任教,每所中学至少一名教师,则不同的分配方案共有几种? 滴水之恩当涌泉相报作文作文 “滴水之恩当涌泉相报”这句话你如何理解? 你从这段文字的哪些词句中体会到滴水之恩,当涌泉相报的感情 you were are and will always be my miss right 滴水之恩当涌泉相报是谁说的 宝宝刚5个月 阿姨换了3个 每个阿姨干一个月就要涨工资 弄的我每天为找阿姨头疼 想找个适合我家的阿姨挺难 su hai is telling her twin sister about the running face on the phone To her joy, her sister won the second prize in the running race. telling,her,the,Su Hai,is,mum,race,about:连词成句 like to study,like studying 区别 I'd like to study of my own.一篇英文作文.about 150 worlds. the place where the place where为什么有时用the place,有时用the place where 也有用where的?什么情况 what will happen without trees不是翻译这句话,是用英语详细阐述这个问题! What will happen without electricity? If you go on like this without listening to tou parents you will pay for it sooner or late! What will life be like without animals?英语作文 新概念第一册和第二册有多大区别?初中生是不是就应该学第二册? There are so many cars on display that he ca't decide( ) Awhich one to buy B to buy which 北京话的“丫”是什么意思? Many will study in our school for______A.a or two year B.one or two year C.a year or two D.one years or two If it really like that,、 I will be very troubled. There are so many kinds of computers in the stop.I really don't know ____to choose.A.what B.which C.how D.where为什么不选C呢?. There are so many different kinds of Walkmans.l don't know _______to chooseA.which B.what C.which one D.that one这道题选C为什么不选A要详细的分析 胜利属于准备好的人吗? 胜利只给有准备的人.求出处的电影 男人和女人之间,谁胜利了男人是领导,女人是员工,女人和同事阿强一起做统计表,领导让阿强负责收集数据,女人负责输入做表格,阿强和女人说好,等收集好一起输入电子表格,谁知中途领导突 Bo you often go_____(walk) after supper every day?适当形式填空 We will remember those day for ever __we spent together in the beautiful countryside.A when B in which C in that D which Do you remember those days____we spent along the seashore very happily我填了when 答案是which 这种题要怎么分析呢 老错TAT