
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 23:11:21
Something must be done 在英语短文中的最后一句话看到的, Something must be done about it.这句话怎么翻译成:我们必须想个办法? 伯牙善鼓琴,钟子期善听.文言文阅读及答案 something was wrong something should be changed must be.i dislike it. 从哪里看出 伯牙善鼓琴钟子期善听? sin(2x)/x当x趋于四分之一派和无穷大时的极限是多少 修一条路,甲修要8天完成,乙要12天完成,丙6天完成,现有甲,乙两队合修2天后,余下的有乙,丙两队继续修,问还需几天? 修一条路,甲队单独修o12天后,乙队接单独6天完成.如果甲乙俩队10完成,甲乙各修多 本人初三,目前对二次函数一般式的意思还没有搞清楚即y=ax²+bx+c,希望高手们确切解释一下bx的意义另外已知一个或两个点,怎么求解析式,这个点可以是顶点,交点,怎么求解析式;反过来给 已知二次函数y=ax²+bx+c过(1,0)点,对称轴为x=2则这个二次函数不具有的性质是 引用诗句填空, what must be must be! What must it not be doing通常以这句话开头的句子是什么意思呢?是什么用法啊If the oil is killing the life along the coral heads,what must it not be doing to the plankton at sea which provide 70% of the oxygen we breathe?就这句 what must be must be谁知道这句英语是什么意思? A computer can not think for itself,It must be told what to do. What must I do 与What must do 有什么不同? 根据适当形式填空和根据中文完成句子1.Everyone ()(want) ()(be) the goalkeeper2.Some of ()(we) are good at drawing3.There are ()(many) students in Class Three than in Class One.1.在朗读方面,他比我强.He's () () me () reading.我 求:2010年中秋节手抄报的内容 It's nearly seven o'clock.Jack ____ be here at any moment.A.shall B.need C.should D.can It's already 7:00.Jack ---be here at any moment.A.must B.can C.should D.need选哪个. It's nearly 7 o'clock.Jack ( ) be here at any moment.有must,need,should,can.我觉得除了need都行的呀 . It's nearly seven o' clock,Jack____be here at any momentA.must B.need C.should D.can答案应该选C,为什么不可以选D?请说明原因, It's ten o'clock now.Jack ___ be here at any moment.为什么不能用would? 急需一篇英语描写南通的小短文!急11 写出四个得数一样的乘法算式 得数960的乘法有哪些算式 英语高手来.帮我搞定这篇介绍南通的作文.少于80个单词.作文提示:The city of Nantong靠长江,靠大海 名胜:濠河,狼山商业:许多商店,物品丰富人民:友好,乐于助人 ( ) 5.Now the air in our home town is ________ than it was before.Something must be done.A.much( ) 5.Now the air in our home town is ________ than it was before.Something must be done.A.much better B.more worse C.more better D.much worse 英语排序题.( )Ten yuan,please.( )Than k you.( )Can i help you?( )A glass of juice.( )I'd like some bread.( )Would you like something to drink?( )Here you are.排序题, 英语排序题.( )Ten yuan,please.( )Thank you.( )Can i help you ( )A glass of orang juice.( )I'd like something to drink?( )Here you are. 如何看待社会主义改造和社会主义改革的关系? please help me pour the orange juice( )the glass