
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 12:06:46
what bad weather 为什么不是what a bad weatherhow will you spend(为什么不是spent,如果有will动词不是要变原形吗)your birthday before 与ago 的区别是什么can you tell me where Tom lives?这里为什么不能换成where does 希望我能帮的上忙.英文怎么说希望我能帮的上忙.怎么讲?谢谢 Her name is Helen Brown,so we can call her < >. her name is Mary brown,改为同义句 Helen ,name ,her ,first ,is there be/have nothing to do but……?到底接to do 还是 do 有这样两个例句:某高考语法复习书上的 We had nothing to do but wait.某大学语法书上的 There was nothing for them to do but to remain silent. A:-------Jenny?B:Her name is Mary.A:----------- B:Her family name is Brown.这个------------里面填什么? have nothing to do but ……do 还是to do?我说的是to do后面接do还是to do?(一楼六楼是不是误会了)给个统一意见吧……三楼既然说是do,那么为什么例句中是slept?五楼例句中是doing?是都可以么? I have no choice but to wait.I have nothing to do except sleep.这两句子中的but except.如何才能分析它是介词还是实义动词啊?来决定后面接不定式 ... We have no choice ____wait.We can do nothing but ___wait.(but/to but)分析过程和拓展知识。 一道英语句型转换题!希望速度给出答案If you don't go to the meeting.I'll go instead.(改为同义句) ()you()I have to go to the meeting. 想问一道英语句型转换题,Has he ever slept outside (变同义句)Has he ever slept _____ the _____ air 你们一个是 是加了过去分词的,一个是没加的,谁是正确的啊? 英语句型转换,每空一词.希望大家帮个忙.1.My cousin works (in that restaurant) [对括号部分提问]2.Frank,what does your brother do?[改为同意句]Frank,what’s your( ) ( 3.His friend wants to be a newspaper reporter.[ 求一题英语.句型转换There is some milk in the bottle(改为否定句)There__milk in the bottle 英语翻译Bill GatesBill Gates was born on October 28,1955.He grew up in Seattle,Washington.He was a very intelligent boy.His favorite subject at school were science and maths.When he was 13 years old,Bill started to play with computers.At that tim 翻译一篇英语文章..速~!急!英语高手帮个忙吧..Two pictures above describe a story which we would never wish to encounter. In the first one, a large crowd gathered around a man lying on the ground. One person said, “He seems to be dru 英语翻译快, 英语到底是英国的语言还是美国的语言? 英语是世界上最先进的语言,为何英国却比美国落后?英国比美国更早用英语,应该是永远称霸世界啊 全世界通用的语言是英国英语还是美国英语? have no choice to do 还是 have no choices to do? 速求英语短文一篇现高一生,求一篇一两分可读完的短文.要有深意有趣味,尽量不要太难读,最好带翻译.谢谢! 速求一篇英语短文谈卡通的对现在人的影响或者日本卡通的发展 (带翻译哦)供5 到8分钟的演讲 怎么加美国和英国的朋友啊,我想练习我的英语口语 谁用过“简单老外”和“标准美国英语口语”现在在学美语口语,不知道选哪些书好 北京有没有英国或者美国的外教来教儿童英语口语? 《标准美国英语口语系列(姊妹三篇)》谁有英文句子对照的?中文的就不要了……纯正老外发音 听起来舒服啊就是有些单词不懂………… 我要学商务英语口语,哪里有?比较权威的. 一句英语句子求助,这句话应该怎么写?意思是“该年级有1000个学生,其中有400个是男生.”应该是:"there are 1000 students in this grade,among which 400 of them are boys"还是:"there are 1000 students in this grade,amon 这句话的英文怎么写?宝贝~我是真的爱你,正因为我不了解你所以我要走进你的世界,让我关心你疼爱你.视你为至宝,成为你的家人 请问这句话用英文该怎么写啊?我本周五下午有空,可以在家等你. 这句话的英文该怎么写,不想等待的人,却总是在等待,但我会继续努力的,愿他们的上帝保佑我.