
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:10:20
cs战队英文名字大全要霸气点的战队名字 谁能帮我起一个既有意义.有好看的英文名字.我要做队标` They have some shoes like these.改为一般疑问句 if it hadn't been for your paticipation,this project wouldn't have been completed ahead of schedul.请高人指点此句话的准确翻译.以及had been、have been在句中的作用. If it hadn’t been for the determined captain,all the passengers on board wouldn’t have been saved我感觉这句话不对 been后面怎么是for?been后好像少了什么、 不符合语法吧? 25.If only I ___my car A.hadn’t lost B.wouldn’t lose C.didn’t lose D.haven’t lost26.But for water,it ____impossible to live in the earthA.is\x05B.would\x05\x05C.were\x05D.wouldn’t be27.I would rather you ____anything about it for the time b 分析英语句式型,时态等.You wouldn't have met her if it hadn't been for me.尽量详细些, The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't back me upwouldn't have believed me 不要只翻译,还要语法解释,因为我这个语法点不明, Write three words with the word "hot" 还有就是 Write something that is sour 中华民国27年按公元年计算是那一年? 民国元年是公元哪一年 it was stolen twenty years ago 这句话中,为什么stolen后没有介词 it was more than twenty years ago when I entered the company.这句话对吗?请给出合理的解释好只能用强调句么?如果用WHEN应该怎么改呢.有AGO和没有它有什么区别?把强调句还原成什么样子。WHEN在这种情况 Someone _____ it twenty years ago.为什么用stole 而不用has stolen? Twenty years ago, it was a lot less pleasant.请问这里a lot 的英文意思是什么? The great man died twenty years ago.同义句转换 It ______twenty years _____th 1912年1月1日,()在南京宣誓就任中华民国临时大总统,宣告()成立. 1912年谁当上了中华民国临时大总统 1.1912年1月1日,( )就任中华民国临时大总统? 惠凯怡这个名字怎么取英文名? 1912年1月1日谁就任中华民国临时大总统 静怡的谐音英文名应该怎么取? when you learn a new English word ,you need to see( ) in the test括号里应填什么单词,英语必修二内容 When we learn new words,we often make s____ with them这里填什么啊? When learning new vocabulary,don't just memorize a list of word.Instead,try to____five sentencesWhen learning new vocabulary,don't just memorize a list of word.Instead,try to__1_five sentences using each new word.Then use the new word as often as you 中华民国元年是指() My favorite star 作文英语作文,关于super junior的作文,字数80词作业, 恋上狮子座 用英语怎么说i like is leofall in love with leo 还是感觉不标准 狮子座守护神英语怎么说 你们找工作的时候有没有用到英语四级证书, 写一篇以My favorite star 的英语小短文, 用英语写一篇My Favorite Star.哥们!