
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 21:30:48
一部老电影 美女与野兽 La belle et la bête (1946)导演:让·谷克多 / 雷内·克莱芒 BELLE BêTE LA怎么样 1.My fathers ______(busy)in my family2.Dennis is the _____(clever) boy I know3.China is one of_____(large) countries in Asia4.Which is ________(big),the moonm,the early or the sun?5.she is______(short)of the three sisters6.Would you please speak a li 我也常常忘记她是聋子,只看见老人微笑着靠在木椅上,手指悄悄打着节奏.她慈祥的眼神平静地望着我,像深深的潭水…… 文中把()比作()表达了“我”()的情感 “我常常忘记她是聋子,只看见老人微笑着靠在木椅上,手指悄悄打着节奏.”“我为什么会忘记她是聋子?完整 “老人安详地靠在木椅上,微笑着,手指悄悄打着拍子.她慈祥的眼睛平静地望着我,像深深的潭水.从这句话中,你体会到了什么?是从哪些词语中体会到的? A busy person in my family作文50~100字 老人微笑着靠在木椅上,手指悄悄打着节奏.“微笑着”说明?“手指敲敲打着节奏”说明什么? 从“老人微笑着靠在木椅上,手指悄悄打着节奏”中,你有什么疑问?我又开始在家里练琴了.从我紧闭门窗的房间里,常常传出基本练习曲的乐声.我站得很直,两臂累得又酸又痛,汗水也湿透了衬 dealer told him that it had just come in,but that he could not be bothered to open it.这个第一个第二个that是什么从句, Love is like two pull elastic,injured always reluctant to let go. HI please let me join your team.it is a pleasure to join all you guys! 洗尽铅华具体怎么解释?经常看到“洗尽铅华”这个词,大致也能明白什么意思,就是无法用准确的词汇表达,不知哪位朋友可能解释清楚? 怎样过英语四级?重点是什么?我下学期就大二了,想大二第一学期就过四级。同时我英语基础中等水平,但语法的就忘的七七八八了。望考过四级的学姐学长给些中肯意见,资料除了 对“洗尽铅华 尘埃落定”的解释 Love,For the Day is Mrs.white is a little tired and sieepy Love from me is Lisa spent the ___ night babysitting her little cousin,so she was very tired and sleepy. 翻译I felt a little sleepy,but kept myself awake,until I didn't.I woke with a strat,and saw that the shadows were long. 鱼类中喜欢成群结队的大多是 The original love is never satisfied中文是什么意思 晚上做梦梦到红色的鱼成群结队的游士什么意思 The windows are all( ).They are not( )A.closed,open B.closing,opening C.closing,opend D.close, 英语翻译这是昨日重现歌词里面的一句话,想问的是语法有没有错误?是倒装句吗?请具体说一下句子的成分好吗,gone by,on, 英语填空:A new bridge over the river——now.( )2.We ——not to play computer games. A.are told B.have told C.was told D.told 为什么红比拉鱼被称为“危险动物”? the,study,will,us,of,hard,all,in,term,new(连词成句) study hard as a dog .and you will be the next lucky dog是什么意思? 为什么会打雷下鱼? 为什么大家都爱慕虚荣? 为什么女人爱慕虚荣?显然,结婚时是为了找个好丈夫.结婚之后再那样又有什么屌用呢?特别厌恶染头发、涂指甲油、戴戒指的女人!虽说有的男人有钱变坏了,但只是少数.而爱慕虚荣的女人却不