
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:05:27
西游记里有哪些菩萨? 西游记中观音菩萨的本领是什么 和朋友谈话翻译成英语词组是talk to friend 还是talk to friends说的都很对谢谢 The man we are talking about is my teacher这句话对吗? The professor and ______ scientist we are talking about is ___able man.A./;an B.the;theC./;theD.the;an That is the man about w__ they were talking at this time yesterday.填空题!求解!急! 行路难(其一)李白本诗的主旨是什么? 李白的诗行路难练习题诗中形象的描绘诗人苦闷心情的诗句诗中形象的描绘出人生道路艰难的诗句诗人运用典故,以古人自比,劝慰自己的诗句是诗人有反复吟诗的方式表达自己壮志难酬的苦 We know not what is good until we have lost it we always know not what is good until we have lost Can I join you?Sure,we are talking about_____ A.when shall we go to the movieB.how can we go thereC.who should we go with D.why we like the movie when the teacher came into the classroom,the students were (talking about that day's news.)对括号提问 -"Travel,( ) is what we were talking about." 括号里填that 还是which? 文言文解释:歧路亡羊全文解释 李白的行路难(二)是一首什么体诗歌? 李白的《行路难》(其一)一诗表达了作者怎样的思想矛盾? ----(possibility)what you jave said is right Love is not about how much you say "I love you",but how much you can prove that it's true. Let me prove how much I love About love,who understand how much?Shaira ミHey,girl-Love is not about how much you say "I love Love is not about how much you say "I love you",but how much you can proue that it'true . 阅读古诗,行路难(其一)1.“斗十千”的“金樽清酒”,“直万钱”的“玉盘珍羞”,为什么勾不起诗人的食欲?2.诗中“冰塞川”“雪满山”是写实吗?谈谈你的看法.3.诗中采用“————”和“ 阅读李白的两首诗回答问题《问王昌龄左迁龙标题有此寄》和《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》“杨花”与“烟花”都与杨柳有关,“杨花”能唤起读者对王昌龄 什么 的联想;“烟花”能表现扬州 matlab中,怎么根据一系列三维离散的点拟合出一个球面啊,并在球面上显示这些离散的点,进行数据分析计算出球面的球度误差,貌似cftool不能进行三维的曲面拟合,小弟弄了好长时间一直没有进 在matlab中把多个三维离散数据拟合成一个封闭曲面?如何做到?~希望能得到你的回答?谢谢~我知道了~还是谢谢你~ What about that one 怎么翻译 求西游记的所有回目 西游记:回目 地点 主要人物 主要内容西游记:回目 地点 主要人物 主要内容 每16回目一次:好的词语 精彩的语句、语段(标明序号) 语段的赏析(标明赏析的是上面的哪句)人物分析( 西游记回目西游记100回目 西游记 kkkkkkkkkkkk 西游记80至100回回目内容急的那.回目主要内容 80-100